Trying To Figure Out Where I Got The Balding Genes From...very Little Balding In Family Tree


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The only fully bald guy I can trace in my family is my great-great grandfather, who was born in the mid 1800s. Other than that there's some temple recession for my maternal uncles (one is nw2.5, other is nw3 by middle age), but my maternal grandad, great-grandfathers were nw2 into old age. As for paternal side, there's no baldness going back several generations (dad and his brother and father have kept thick, full hairlines, despite having high DHT woth thick beard/body hair).

All my brothers/cousins have no recession, yet I was nw2 by early 20s, nw2.5 by my mid 20s approaching nw3 in my 30s, with mild vertex thinning and retrograde thinning on the sides.

Is it likely that I got the gene from my great-great grandfather?


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Of course you can, there even can be no balding MAN in your family and you still got balding gene. Some baldness gene can be transfered through X chromosomes so you dont get it from your father but your mother. For example you have balding gene from your mother which get it from her mother and shes get it from her mother (your great grandmother) etc but non of them give it to her male child (because of 50% probability, because mother is giving one of two X chromosomes). If your father isnt that bald you might get then from your mothers without any baldness in your family or just get some major balding gene from your mother now and some minor from your father.... Balding is very genetic :(


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Of course you can, there even can be no balding MAN in your family and you still got balding gene. Some baldness gene can be transfered through X chromosomes so you dont get it from your father but your mother. For example you have balding gene from your mother which get it from her mother and shes get it from her mother (your great grandmother) etc but non of them give it to her male child (because of 50% probability, because mother is giving one of two X chromosomes). If your father isnt that bald you might get then from your mothers without any baldness in your family or just get some major balding gene from your mother now and some minor from your father.... Balding is very genetic :(

There is absolutely nothing scientific verified in anything that you have said, only assumptions and theories, just like the whole baldness is genetic is anyways. Anything we can't explain or don't know about we blame it on genetics, even tho we don't have any proof of that.

I don't know how many of you know that there is a human genome test going on for 25 years that proved that we can actually trigger our genes on and off, so yeah, maybe it's better to say that we don't actually know yet instead of trowing around and spreading our own opinions and beliefs as absolute truth, i think it's more fair and accurate this way.
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There is absolutely nothing scientific verified in anything that you have said, only assumptions and theories, just like the whole baldness is genetic is anyways. Anything we can't explain or don't know about we blame it on genetics, even tho we don't have any proof of that.
Of course it has been proven scientific. There is a few genes that are linked to androgenetic alopecia (like androgen receptor polimorphism, 5 reductase etc.). And you dont even have to test ANY genom to know if a disease is genetic or not. And even so genes can be turn off and on, someone who doesn't has balding genes cant turn them on.


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It can be triggered randomly. I am the first one in my family to be severely balding at a young age, no one from either parents side going all the way to my great grandfathers.

That's partially why it caught me off guard and I didn't start treatments immediately, because I thought to myself, wait where's the relative that I can point to?

However now I know it can be completely random. If I have sons, they may be Norwood 1's for life even if their father is not, who knows.


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Of course it has been proven scientific. There is a few genes that are linked to androgenetic alopecia (like androgen receptor polimorphism, 5 reductase etc.). And you dont even have to test ANY genom to know if a disease is genetic or not. And even so genes can be turn off and on, someone who doesn't has balding genes cant turn them on.

What are you talking about, there are hundred of genes that they say are relatable and have a saying in balding, there are even DNA test labs that you can pay to do a "baldness test" and they show there all the genes reported and found that have something to do with baldness, it's a scam anyways if you only see their results on multiple people i had the "honor" in seeing some.

It's more complicated than this and they are just blabbering around in a very unknown domain they are only basing their knowledge on assumptions, in almost every sentence of their studies it's said "it could be" "we presume" and many more terms that show clearly that they don't have a 100% accurate knowledge about it, they are just assuming.

All the genes they found recently are ASSOCIATED with different things, from hair growth, hair everything, they don't actually know how it works, it's a very controversial and vague subject, there is no clear answer and there are a lot of unknown factors, that's why they just say, it's genetic and move on because it really is genetic but GENETICS are not like that, you took the gene and that's it, it's more complicated than that but what do i expect, most people have no idea about their bodies, how it works or how drugs works and many other general things, what do you expect from them when it comes to GENETICS lol top X chromosome gene,and downstream (OPHN1) genes.

Male pattern baldness can have substantial psychosocial effects, and it has been phenotypically linked to adverse health outcomes such as prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease. We explored the genetic architecture of the trait using data from over 52,000 male participants of UK Biobank, aged 40–69 years. We identified over 250 independent genetic loci associated with severe hair loss (P<5x10-8). By splitting the cohort into a discovery sample of 40,000 and target sample of 12,000, we developed a prediction algorithm based entirely on common genetic variants that discriminated (AUC = 0.78, sensitivity = 0.74, specificity = 0.69, PPV = 59%, NPV = 82%) those with no hair loss from those with severe hair loss. The results of this study might help identify those at greatest risk of hair loss, and also potential genetic targets for intervention."
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You are like that because balding is not genetic. There is only predispotion but it's not exclusively genetic. According to my theory for which I am 90% sure that it holds more truth than lie If you have worse posture habits than your family members and don't breathe properly, you will have higher degree of hair loss than them. They are predisposed too but their gene doesn't switch on because they have better scal condition on their scalp to grow hair.