truking10's story


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Well i know my hair loss isnt as bad as some of the other men on here, yet it consumes me with anxiety and stress just as much. Please read and tell me what you honestly think.

I am currently 21 years old, for the last 4 months i have been worried about hairloss. It first started when my barbor said i was thinning on my crown, it didnt bother me right away until i used a mirror and started to see, then about 2 months later i started seeing my hair in the front and top getting very thin. You cant tell when i use pomade to style it but when dry after the shower it shows. I also was getting grey hair.
My mom and dad both still have full head of hair. Only one of my grandparents lost his hair. I myself have had a very thick full head of hair forever.
For the last 2 years i have been dealing with severe emotional problems, ive just had alot of stress, depression and constant worrying and been dealing with an addiction to marajana. About 5 or 6 months ago it got worse when i thought i had cancer but i didnt go to the doctor until 2 months after the initial thought for fear of being dignosed, although it wasnt cancer. Therefore i thought and worried every day and night constantly for that period of time. Since then the anxiety still effects me and the thought of losing my hair has now scared me even more!! I am seeking professional help for my distress , yet when i saw a dermatologist he just put me on propecia.

Do you guys think this hairloss could be from stress or is it just genetics. Thanks alot for reading this , it felt good to get that out


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Your situation sound extremely similar to mine. I am 29 years old and was on mariuana for many years also. I started smoking when I was about 15 or 16. I just decided to quit cold turkey about 2 months ago. Everything has been ok, but I have had health issues lately where the end result could also be cancer. I also have had many issues with anxiety and frustration. The hair loss you are experiencing could be both factors, genetics and stress/anxiety. Propecia and nizoral (shampoo) are a good place to start. I know the combination of hair loss, marijuana addiction, in general, are tough to deal with. Take things in stride, start a regimen to fight the hair loss and don't let it take over your entire life. I have been on propecia (proscar) and nizoral for about 6 weeks now and have noticed significantly less fall out, and in hopes I may grow a little hair back. Best of luck truking10 and let me know if I can help...I've been down that road!


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Hey thanks alot for the reply, Its just hard for me to believe its from gentics because its just all happening so fast, and my emotional problems have been really bad. So i dont know, i sort of wanna just shav my head bald start taking the propecia and shampoo, and try to live stress free and see how my hair comes back......I really dont know whats going on


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When I noticed my hair loss it was in the same way. I went to the barber and he cut my hair short, and put a lot of gel in it. When I got home I got a mirror to check his work, and almost collapsed. I have had a receding hairline for a while now. Not too bad, but enough for me and a few friends to notice. I have to comb my hair slightly forward and to the side. But when I noticed thinning on the top I almost fainted. It is like the entire top of my head has started to thin out. I still look frequently at my hair to see how bad it is, but I'm finding some peace of mind with time. Many people our age have this problem, some it bothers some it doesn't. Get on the propecia and nizoral asap, the sooner the better. You will surely see at least some positive results. Minoxidil is another possiblity, yet I quit using it to swithch to propecia(proscar) and nizoral only. Your not alone bro!

Ps. step one to helping your anxiety about your hair loss is to start to fight it!


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sounds very familiar

dude your story sounds EXACTLY the same as mine. from the weed to the depression to the anxiety and stuff. i just finished a period of about 3 1/2 years of on and off depression, with anxiety adding in this last year. and i noticed that my hair began to, first just stop growing all that fast, on the top, even though it used to grow really fast. then at the beginning of this year, i think b/c of the depression and anxiety kicked in, my self image was one w/o any hair. WEIRD RIGHT. so thats when it stopped growing very much and began to thin. it started falling out earlier this summer, about a month and half ago. but i started pretty intense therapy at that time and started letting go and moving on from a lot of the bullshit that has kept me down for the last 3 1/2 years. personally i really think that my self image w/o hair had somesort of effect, im a big believer in mind over matter. anyway the therapy has worked WONDERS for my overall attitude and confidence, which was absolutely gone. my self image is now one with hair, and ive noticed its become greesy again, which is good, and is growing a bit now. although it has begun to fall out. i just started a propecia regime and am PRAYING it works to help me maintain what i have, and am also using nizoral shampoo. what i suggest to you is this. 1 QUIT WEED, i did and it was the best thing ive ever done. its SO f*****g hard, but after a few weeks, to like a month your friends lay off you and it becomes so much easier. that will clear your head. 2 go to therapy and be totally honest with him/her about everything on your mind. just getting sh*t off my chest allowed me to move on. also start a propecia regime with nizoral shampoo, that will put the thought that maybe just maybe im something is gonna help stop my hairloss and thicken my sh*t up which is a wonderfull thing to carry with you. dude i really truely feel for you 100% and wish you the very best. i know exactly where your comming from and it f*****g blows. took me a half a yaer to climb out of that hole, but when you get out, its incredible, the sun can shine again.