Tried growing it back...never again


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MacAttack said:
I dont think what I have can even be called hair lol. its all wisps. ghg i think ur hair is better by quite a bit

Wisps here too, not a lot of proper hair on the top of my head.


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CaptSandy said:
I don't understand all the confusion about hair treatments. When I started to go bald they didn't have any of this stuff, at least I don't think they did because I never thought about it. I was 40 and mostly bald the first time I ever heard of Rogain. I'm 60 now and up until a couple of years ago I was skin bald on top and wicked thin on the siges. But I'm not any more:)

A couple of years ago I was watching a baseball ball game and I got to thinking about baldness. That was due in large part to a commercial for Avacor. The same ad ran between every inning. They showed a "Before and After" of the back of some guys head. The picture was on the screen for a second only. Honest. About the sixth time the commercial came on I got up real close to the screen to see what the language was. I am talking about the words I saw in very small print at the bottom of the screen in between the Before and After pictures. Can anyone of you guys think of what it said? Was it something like "Results may vary." Nope. In between the Before and After picture it said, and I quote, "60 Seconds Later."

In my view, that was Avacor's way of avoiding a law suite. Hey, if the difference between the two pictures happened in 60 seconds, then you know it wasn't as the result of hair growth. That add really pissed me off. I was so pissed off I went searching on the computer, and guess what I found.

I found a product that increases blood flow to the scalp naturally. Since I have been using this all natural magnetic roller my hair loss has completely stopped, and I have re-grown so much new hair in the thin areas that every time I get my hair cut now the barber has to use thinning sheers. I don't understand for the life of me why this product isn't on every store shelf in every store in the country. It's call Mag-Gro and the only place I ever saw it was on line.

Good luck to you. I you decide to use this magnetic roller I bet you will be surprised.

:stfu: :spam:


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First of all, do one Captain Sandy you scam artist c***!

Secondly, I think you look good with a shaved head MacAttack. It is a shitter being young and losing your hair but at least that cut really suits you. How many people look at the top of your head as in the photo anyway?
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Your hair looks a little thin... but much thicker than mine and my hair is long at this point. I think you look fine, don't be hard on yourself - sure you're thinning, but if you grew it out a bit and styled it I think you'd look fine.

Personally I want to shave my head, but my girlfriend insists that I don't.... I probably wouldn't look good anyway, but I'm getting tired of the whole avoiding sunlight, being afraid to look in the mirror, avoiding cameras... you guys know where I'm coming from.

Maybe if I shaved it off, lived with the ridicule for a bit, and then adjusted to it with new confidence I would be fine. Ah well - anyway, you look fine.


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DelayedReaction said:
Your hair looks a little thin... but much thicker than mine and my hair is long at this point. I think you look fine, don't be hard on yourself - sure you're thinning, but if you grew it out a bit and styled it I think you'd look fine.

Personally I want to shave my head, but my girlfriend insists that I don't.... I probably wouldn't look good anyway, but I'm getting tired of the whole avoiding sunlight, being afraid to look in the mirror, avoiding cameras... you guys know where I'm coming from.

Maybe if I shaved it off, lived with the ridicule for a bit, and then adjusted to it with new confidence I would be fine. Ah well - anyway, you look fine.

I seriously doubt people would ridicule you anyway mate.


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Imma add some final pics. These pics are a collection as my hair got shorter and shorter. I aim to show you guys just how thin my hair is even grown out a bit as well as the head shape when its buzzed to 0 to decide if its best to keep it like that.











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I think I followed your story so far, I remember a pic where you had much longer
hair. I don't think that it looks bad at all now (with the short hair). When I look at the pictures at this site
I think every lengths of your hair is ok. On the first page the first pic is a little hard and would
freak me out as well, but I think it's just a very bad angle. The other big pics from the first page
look all ok.

I'm saying this in the most non-gayish way but I think you look fuckin' awesome
with short hair. And obviously you feel comfortable with your haircut which is a good sign.

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are, propecia is just way too weak for me now.

Anyway I hope you'll stay on finasteride because it could help to remain the current
hair which looks way better for shaving.

All the best.


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Thanks for that...really im not looking for an ego boost or anything but comments like that make my day. WHY...because I think strangers opinions are purely critical. My friends for example more or less agree I look better even with my thinner hair with some style (but also grown out hardcore which makes it look dry thin and limp). Probably b/c they are used to have seeing me like that for years. Personally when I look in the mirror I THINK it makes me look better and I have less issues thinking about it...i mean I have pimples and a few moles on my head but it disturbs me way less then thin hair. The confidence boost alone overcomes the fact that I potentially may look worse with a shaved head. However since strangers think it looks better its a definte plus. The main focus on the last few pics was to show how bad my hair really looks in light and how my head shape looks (which I dont seem to have been able to capture in my many prior posts)


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Come on dude, you have the perfect headshape... maybe a bit on the large side but definitely nice shape.


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You have a good shaped head and are a good looking guy, even if you had a horseshoe it wouldn't be the end of the world.


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Yea just wasnt sure on the head shape. i always thought my head shape was similar to yours GHG.


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MacAttack said:
Yea just wasnt sure on the head shape. i always thought my head shape was similar to yours GHG.

I think mine is more round... similar size, though :mrgreen: .


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man just get toppik like. its that easy. u gota hjairline so just colour in the rest so to speak


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man just get toppik like. its that easy. u gota hjairline so just colour in the rest so to speak

Why? If the guy looks good shaved and is ready to keep that look why shouldn't he be allowed to do that?


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since u came back GHG u seem very bitter and not that helpful to anyone

Bitter? How come? I was just asking why the hell should a guy who is pretty happy how he looks like shaved and hasn't had much success with the current treatments lower himself to put some powder in his hair to create an illusion of thicker hair? I think it's a reasonable question and not that bitter at all. In fact, I don't think you'll find many bitter posts looking at my post history. And if there is some bitterness, it most likely is related to the tits or other sides that finasteride gave me or a plain misunderstanding... it seems that my sense of humour is weird to you guys.


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Your posts often seem aggressive :badmood:


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s.a.f said:
Your posts often seem aggressive :badmood:

Not a lot of them is meant to be aggressive, maybe it's just my writing style. English still isn't my fluent language so it's not always easy to understand the little nuances of the language. So basically I'm thinking in Finnish but writing in English and that can cause some mix-ups and errors. Sorry.

I still don't understand what's so bitter or aggressive about this bit though:

"Why? If the guy looks good shaved and is ready to keep that look why shouldn't he be allowed to do that?"


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Not a lot of them is meant to be aggressive, maybe it's just my writing style. English still isn't my fluent language so it's not always easy to understand the little nuances of the language. So basically I'm thinking in Finnish but writing in English and that can cause some mix-ups and errors. Sorry.

Could be true since when i talk to one of our clients who are Finnish they always come off as aggressive even when they are just asking for something.

MacAttack & GHG you both look good with buzzed heads. keep it short.

Mac- I went on holiday the other week and my hair grew out abit to just over a 3 and it looked rubbish as in thin as, I dont think I will ever grow it out again. The moment I got back to mine I pulled the clippers out and took it staight off.

Im buzzing down to a #2 now, think Ill step it down next week to a #1!
I think buzzing does give a confidence boost since I have not got hit on so much since I was working away one summer (when I was ripped and tanned), but then again I have started exercising more!