Trichotillomania - Treatments


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Trichotillomania is a compulsive hair-pulling disorder that often leads to permanent hair loss in the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. These 3 new treatments can help.

BOCA RATON, FL (PRWEB) January 21, 2007 -- Losing hair is never easy, but it can be especially painful for patients with trichotillomania, a compulsive hair-pulling disorder, who often experience hair loss in odd places and may deal with the added guilt of believing it's "their fault."

"Frequent hair-pulling traumatizes the follicles and can lead to permanent hair loss," says Alan J. Bauman, M.D., a leading U.S. expert on hair loss and restoration who's treated several recovered trichotillomaniacs. "Trichotillomania often leads to the total loss of eyelashes and eyebrows, in addition to bald spots in the scalp."

The permanent hair loss can make it difficult for recovered trichotillomaniacs to return to a normal life. But according to Dr. Bauman, three new treatments can help these patients regain a natural look:

(1) "Eyelash transplantation": A new surgical procedure that creates new living, growing eyelashes by transplanting hair from the scalp into the upper eyelids. Doctors can create 20 to 50 new lashes per eye in a single session.
(2) "Eyebrow transplantation": Delicate single-follicle transplant procedure that recreates the eyebrows by imitating the unique angle and position of the original hair follicles. Similar to the hair transplant technique used to create undetectable hairline restoration.
(3) "Follicular-unit extraction": Minimally invasive, micro-surgical hair restoration procedure that uses tiny donor sites (as opposed to larger "strips" in micro-grafting) to transplant new follicles into balding areas of the scalp.

For more information on hair restoration treatments for recovered trichotillomaniacs, visit or

Alan J. Bauman, M.D., founder of Bauman Medical Group in Boca Raton, Florida, is a top U.S. expert on hair loss and restoration for men and women, including scalp, eyelash and eyebrow transplants, and laser therapy. An ISHRS-affiliated hair restoration physician and surgeon, he is a frequent lecturer at major medical conferences on the latest treatment advances. Visit his Web site at