Treatments for Receding Hairline


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My hair is receding on the top of my forehead. I was about to buy Rogaine but when i read on the box that it wasn't for people with receding hairlines? what should i do then? what is the best treatments i should do?


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Propecia would be a much better option for you, together with Nizoral shampoo.


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You need to tell us more how old you are and the extent of your hairloss.

You should fully look into both Propecia and Minoxidil-based treatments before jumping on board, as there are potential side effects. In my opinion anyways - Propecia shouldn't be used if you're under 20.

Not to say that these treatments don't work for the hairline. Both Propecia and Rogaine do work for most people, but you need to be patient and stick with the treatments for at least a year to reap maximum benefits.

Good luck.


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Hi, I'm new here. I'm using dutasteride (Avodart) exactly 3 years with great succes. No receeding hairline, but I'm a Norwood 1.5-2. Three months ago, I added Tricomin to my regime. I believe it is now working, the hairline is a little bit boost up (I'm only using it on the hairline), more dark and less shorter hairs around the hairline. And also, all hairs around my head, there is no static electricity anymore in cold weather. Static electricity has always fucked up my hairs.


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what made you just onto dutasteride? Did you get a shed? Thank you.


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Aplunk1 said:
what made you just onto dutasteride? Did you get a shed? Thank you.
Aplunk1, I was on finasteride for almost 2 years with very good results. Finally, dutasteride was approved and available for online orders. Before it was available, dutasteride was discussed for many times on different hair loss forums. I saw the charts, the results, the surpressing of DHT by dutasteride and I was, like everybody else, very impressed. I never shed on dutasteride, it had make my hair slightly better than finasteride.


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Peter2 said:
Aplunk1 said:
what made you just onto dutasteride? Did you get a shed? Thank you.
Aplunk1, I was on finasteride for almost 2 years with very good results. Finally, dutasteride was approved and available for online orders. .

Note to newbies: Dutasteride is NOT approved for use in hair loss. Its only approved for use in BPH.


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Britannia said:
Peter2 said:
Aplunk1 said:
what made you just onto dutasteride? Did you get a shed? Thank you.
Aplunk1, I was on finasteride for almost 2 years with very good results. Finally, dutasteride was approved and available for online orders. .

Note to newbies: Dutasteride is NOT approved for use in hair loss. Its only approved for use in BPH.
Yes, of course, it was only approved for BPH, but we can buy dutasteride online, BPH or not. The Glaxo phase III for hair loss was cancelled (again). But the phase II had proved it was a better drug against hair loss than finasteride.


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I will switch to dutasteride when it becomes available on UK prescription. For now, finasteride is working. Thanks for sharing and caring.


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Boru said:
I will switch to dutasteride when it becomes available on UK prescription. For now, finasteride is working. Thanks for sharing and caring.

This will never happen unless GSK resume FDA trials, which is very unlikely.