Treating the early stages


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Hi, I am a new member to this site and I am receding and thinning at the front hairline. I am 20 and it just began recently. It has been real tough accepting the fact, but I am going to make an effort to treat it. Even if it doesn't work out, I am starting to live with it. Can someone suggest what treatments I should be using? Is using minoxidil for the hairline enough? or should I also use finasteride? Any suggestions for regimens would be greatly appreciated.



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ok im the same age as you, i couldnt beleive it but i figured as longs as its pretty ok id start now so i dont lose anymore (im a thinner)

what i do is cur Proscar (5mg finasteride) into 6 pieces (0.88mg finasteride) and take 1 piece every other day (0.44mg a day), ive only just started so see how it goes. the normal dose is supposed to be 1mg, but ive read 0.5 is pretty effective and obviously the chances of side effects are reduced with a smaller dose.
you have to wait about 3-6 months to see an imporvement in that it might not grow the hair you loss back when you started, but it should stop any more hair loss. if it works well i might go every 3 days etc.
also use nizoral 2% shampoo twice a week, its supposed to be good and encourage hair growth.


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Read through these topics and you will see your questions addressed weekly...

As male hairloss is initiated by DHT trying finasteride 5mg 1/4 pill every day is a reasonable convenient place to start. Some people on this board try to take less, but studies and experience show that 1mg a day is well tollerated and effective. Why take less? And how do you cut a small irregularly shaped pill in 1/6? You can get these online without a prescription at places like united pharmacies . You can learn more about finasteride (propecia 1mg) on, but realize there is no good reason to pay the extra price of the name brand.

Adding nizoral shampoo is another easy thing to do... It blocks some androgens and is convenient, 3 times a week.

Most people dont start minoxidil immediately as its effects are lost if you dont take it forever and it's less convenient. For that matter any current hairloss treatment only works as long as you take it, with the gained or retained hair being lost over a few months if you stop treatment.

Start reading here and look at the links on the bottom for more ideas, and read the older posts here for questions like yours.

Armando Jose

Senior Member
My Regimen
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Preventive method = Finasteride?

Could be considered finasteride as preventive of baldness??



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Re: Preventive method = Finasteride?

Armando Jose said:
Could be considered finasteride as preventive of baldness??


Baldness preventive finasteride can considered be, yes. :lol:



Experienced Member
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The active ingredient in all these drugs; propecia proscar, fincar finpecia finast, and others I can't remember is finasteride, and there is no evidence to suggest that one drug is better than the others. The cheapest option is to buy the 5mg varieties and split them.


how come in star wars, they can give luke a new hand, but still they havent managed to cure yoda's aggressive male pattern baldness


Established Member
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bartman654 said:
how come in star wars, they can give luke a new hand, but still they havent managed to cure yoda's aggressive male pattern baldness

Because in the world of star wars, people getting their hands chopped off by lightsabres is the next most popular thing to breathing.

its all about what is important when fighting with a lightsabre - hands or hair.

mind you, i know some people who have hair so thick that supporting a lightsabre in it would be like a needle in thread roll. something maybe general grievous should have considered.

anyways, star wars is crap.


i have no idea what youre trying to say, all i got is stars wars is crap, but alright :)