Total Life Forever's - (20)


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Well i never thought i would find myself posting here at 20 years young. Well i'm here to cease and prevent any hair loss the future holds for me, well at least for 10 years or so then fate can take control but at 20 years young i'm gunna hold it at bay for as long as possible.

I noticed my hair line changed when i was around 12 into the classic V hairline and its kinda stayed that way ever since but it never botherd me since i was 12 and didnt have a clue. I find it weird the way it changed at such a young age but i believe that has something to do with masterbation, since i was masterbating then haha. There are topics in this forum discussing if it has any impact on hair and it seems like a controversial subject.

Cut a long story short when i was around 17 my hairline matured more into the V hairline which i thought at the time was going bald and for years i stressed about it thinking negative thoughts etc. I think i've always been destined for widows peak hairline since my forhead wrinkles are the shape of my hairline. However its not only till i was 19/20 have i ever thought about getting on the drug finasteride to help prevent any further hair loss.

As for balding running through the family well my mum's dad started loosing his hair at 40/45. My nans dad didnt loose his hair till he was 50 late 50? not too sure though. My dad starting loosing his hair when he was around 30 maybe however his dad had most of his hair till he died. And then theres me, my hair looks cool been a musican and in a rock n roll band i kinda have a good image but over the last three months i've noticed its getting thinner when i get out the shower i can see my scalp but when its dry it looks fine, i think this may be the start of me loosing my hair but i'm not sure, maybe i have another underlying condition thats triggering it but i'm to scared to even go the doctors to see whats going on. I also have really bad dandruff at the moment and itching/tingeling all over my scalp but there is no redness or anything its weird.

I've had some stressful times over the last couple of years, family deaths, my ex-girlfriend cheated on me after two years, suffer from panic attacks and anxity too but i've managed to get them under control and i rarely get them now. Maybe these events have somewhat speed up my fate. I dont know.

So here i am making ends meet so i thought the best way to do that was join a forum were people are on the same ship as me. I'm just stressed and worried incase i loose my girlfriend, shes like no other woman around here, i feel blessed to have found her never mind for her to let me into her heart i cant see myself with anyone else other than her. I havent told her or anyone about this because i'm scared of their reaction and how diffrently they will view me. I'm worried if i get treated diffrent in society if i loose my hair so young. Sometimes i just wanna get away from here, find someplace new but i wanna conqour this! There cant be shadows without light right?. I dont know what else to say, feel free to ask me any questions and any advice on what to do would be great.

Peace, Love and Cups of tea x

Total Life Forever