Topical Regimen


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I've been on minoxidil since 04-12-07 and I'm getting steady gains and I was wondering if there is anyway I can regrow and maintain with just using topicals cuz I've used propecia and I didn't like the sides. Is there anything I can use that will just help my hair and not effect my body or give me brainfog?


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Rambo said:
Balding_1 said:
Brain fog does not exist.... :roll:
I had brain fog while i was on propecia ..You shouldnt make statements like that when you dont know what your on about , It confuses people.DHT plays a role in the brain so brain fog can happen..

The dht type inhibited by propecia is not found in the brain. Your "brain fog" is psychosomatic. It kinda pisses me off to read about it because all you do is spread more psychosomatic responses. Get over it, there is no documented scientific reports of brain fog. BTW i have been on propecia for a long time so I do know what i'm on about from personal experience and research.


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Balding_1: I've never had "brain fog" either, and I agree with your logic.


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Rambo said:
Ofcourse Propecia is the best product for hairloss thats approved.. Its true some people dont get side affects from propecia . I think thats good you will probably keep your hair longer then anyone who uses topical treatments , But to say certain side effects are a load of $#iT because you didnt get them is down right ignorant.Some people are very sensivtive to medication and some arnt.

I'm not denying that a very small percentage of people may get side effects from propecia. However, I am denying the existance of a made up side effect that you call "brain fog". Show me a peer reviewed scientific journal that lists "brain fog" as a possible side effect. Why was this "side effect" not mentioned during the FDA trials for safety?

Rambo, you need to research this more your self I'm not going to do it for you. All I'm going to say is that propecia inhibits the type II 5ar enzyme which is not found in the brain.

Look into psychosomatic responses and how they get started. It's all in your head buddy.


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Rambo said:
And whos that guy in your avatar? I feel like cracking hes skull open with my bare fists lol

It's Deaner from the movie FUBAR. Smart looking guy hey? LOL

The side effects forum proves absolutely nothing.

Again, I'm not going to research this stuff for you. Read up on psychosomatic responses and type II 5ar inhibition.


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There is such thing as brainfog and I experienced it. If you haven't then you're fortunate, no need to trash talk, and thanks for the help rambo


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No need to bash people who have had the brain fog. It is VERY real for some, including myself.

It may not be the 5ar1 that directly causes it, but there are insteresting studies showing that Finasteride effects the brain.

Here's one:

The latest research in mice raises a disturbing question about the
safety of FDA approved 5AR inhibitors like finasteride
(Proscar/Propecia) and especially dutasteride (Avodart) when it comes to
managing long-term risk for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.
This is because these drugs not only reduce levels of DHT but also wound
allopregnanolone production in the process.

So anyhow, let's get back to the question at hand: topicals?


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jakeb said:
It may not be the 5ar1 that directly causes it, but there are insteresting studies showing that Finasteride effects the brain.

But it probably IS the 5ar1 that directly causes it, implying that finasteride won't have any significant effect on the human brain. Don't assume that mice (especially mouse brains) have the same distribution of the 5a-reductase enzymes as humans.


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go to my site in my signature, and scroll down to the biochemistry section and read about the different types of 5ar and what they do.