Topical Liquid Vitamin D3, Keratin and ketoconazole ( The natural big 3 )


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paranoid NW1s , thinners, Slight receding and androbaldies,

I joined this forum a few years ago and haven't been on in about 2 years...

I've seen allot of different things being tried since then. Good effort! I was a miconazole nitrate guinea pig on here for a bit with no results. My hair got a little big darker and that was about it.

The ONLY things i have tried which i have had success with is:

Ketoconazole has been the most beneficial as i went from shedding lots of hair in the shower to almost nothing and have maintained my hair line on this alone for around 2 years.

Megatek Keratin conditioner gives an instant thickening effect from the first use and is proven to strengthen hair.

For the last year i have been using ketoconazole and vitamin D3 only. Im about to buy some Mega-Tek for the first time in a while and plan to combine it with topical & oral D3 :

I know alot of misinformed people on here thing the only thing that can help is chemicals in a lab.

My question is has anyone tried vitamin D3 topically ? ... its the only vitamin that isnt toxic in large amounts with a large array of benefits

Next Friday on pay day i will be buying topical D3 and mega-tek to go along with the ketoconazole. I would invite other people to start all 3 at the same time and we can all put pictures up on a weekly basis.

if your interested post here. I plan on collating the pictures and information into a report format which will be posted as PDF after 6 months.

Looking for serious people only. There is too many things being tried and not documented properly.

Dosing Plan;

Everyday - 1x ketoconazole Shampoo (morning), Oral vitamin D3 ( 2 capsules (Vitamin D3 4000 I.U. - 1000% (Morning))) topical D3 (2 drops) all over scalp (bedtime after washing hair with cold water)

Every 3 days i will add mega tek in during the coldwater wash at night time

will post baseline pics on friday


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Calcitriol should be what you want and should be topical according to the "korean kid with alopecia areata" study. Oral d3 has no impact on hair loss or otherwise like if you're deficient in it.


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I'm going to try this as well. Already on finasteride and minoxidil. My main issue is diffuse thinning, so with luck maybe there will be a little thickening. My experience over the years has been that I greatly slowed the rate of loss, but I never regrew.