Topical Finasteride Vs Oral Finasteride


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Hi everyone,

I am interested in taking using Topical Finasteride as my hair loss is starting to become hard to mask. I took Finasteride about 5 years ago and had terrible side effects which scared me a lot after only a minimal dosage.

I want to try topical Finasteride before Minoxidil to see if it will help, however has anyone on here had sides from oral finasteride and ok with topical?




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I took oral and initially had side effects, I been using topical since 2012 have regrown and maintained my hair. You can minimize side effects by taking horny goat weed and zinc. To add starting on a lower dosage even topical is a good start like 0.025% or 0.050%.

check here:

That is refreshing to hear, I got side effects within two weeks. Did you find your side effects were came on quickly after starting or was it over a long period of time? Have you noticed any side effects at all with topical? the one i can purchase is a 1% Foam. Do you use it everyday?




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I use topical at 0.075mg/day mixed into minoxidil. No side effects at all and 2 months in. Hair thickening up.

Oral gave me severe side-effects at 0.125mg every 2 days. Couldn't cut it any smaller.

Thanks Timpson for sharing your experience. I think ill start with the topical finasteride first and introduce minoxidil if necessary.


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I'm a bit confused whether to start with finasteride first (as I had side effects last time from oral) and start minoxidil with it (never touched it) or just start with the one and see if thats effective. Currently only Receded temples Norwood 2 and a bit, thick at back of head.


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I am using topical dutasteride every 10 days.
2ml (thus the equivalent of 1mg)
No side effects, no hair loss
I really can't believe it


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I did
Oral for 10 years on and off. Gave me Gyno (had surgery to remove the glands), loss of libido and temporary impotence as well as severe brain fog.
I also tried topical Finasteride. Had the same sides but brain fog was worse.
Now topical Dutasteride and no sides. No hair loss either. Been on it 2 months.

I think the secret is to not allow systemic build up thus I use it every 10 days only.
The molecular weight is also much higher so in theory in remains in the scalp and does not go systemic.
Finally, the half life is 4 weeks vs 8 hours on finasteride so you can space it much much more


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I did
Oral for 10 years on and off. Gave me Gyno (had surgery to remove the glands), loss of libido and temporary impotence as well as severe brain fog.
I also tried topical Finasteride. Had the same sides but brain fog was worse.
Now topical Dutasteride and no sides. No hair loss either. Been on it 2 months.

I think the secret is to not allow systemic build up thus I use it every 10 days only.
The molecular weight is also much higher so in theory in remains in the scalp and does not go systemic.
Finally, the half life is 4 weeks vs 8 hours on finasteride so you can space it much much more
Do you make your own compound? How do you dissolve it?


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I had side effects numb junk on Finasteride after only a few 1mg tablets. I know side effects are rare with topical. Given I had quick sides looks like the 0.025% rather than going straight 1% foam.


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I did
Oral for 10 years on and off. Gave me Gyno (had surgery to remove the glands), loss of libido and temporary impotence as well as severe brain fog.
I also tried topical Finasteride. Had the same sides but brain fog was worse.
Now topical Dutasteride and no sides. No hair loss either. Been on it 2 months.

I think the secret is to not allow systemic build up thus I use it every 10 days only.
The molecular weight is also much higher so in theory in remains in the scalp and does not go systemic.
Finally, the half life is 4 weeks vs 8 hours on finasteride so you can space it much much more
If I been on topical finasteride for 4 months now is it safe to take a week or two off to reduce the systemic effect? Or is this too long ? Been on .025% 3x a week, very little topical medication


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If I been on topical finasteride for 4 months now is it safe to take a week or two off to reduce the systemic effect? Or is this too long ? Been on .025% 3x a week, very little topical medication
Are you getting sides? I’ve been on topical for two years now, great efficacy, no sides. I was on oral for 14 years with sides.


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I think both topicals are safe in low concentrations compared to oral medication.

It also avoids liver's first pass when applied topically.

I'm currently off everything for over a year, had significant loss of density ad started using trichometto 6 moths ago ad the results were good, improved density, o hair loss ad o sides. It's not dutasteride of course but at my age ad for my goals it works.


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I'm currently off everything for over a year, had significant loss of density ad started using trichometto 6 moths ago ad the results were good, improved density, o hair loss ad o sides. It's not dutasteride of course but at my age ad for my goals it works.
Why did you drop topical dutasteride? It seemed to be working well for you.