Topical applied on temples --> shedding on the crown?


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Hi, this is my first post here. Maybe a proper introduction later, but as for my first question I was wondering is it possible to shed on the crown area because of applying minoxidil (Spectral DNC) on temples only?

I ask this because I've been 8 months on finasteride, 2 months on Spectral and just lately I noticed (after getting a haircut) that my crown looks much worse, a clear big bald area visible in any decent lighting. I think it's too late for a finasteride shed (is it? after 8 months?) so I thought maybe it's the minoxidil. But then again it would be weird as I haven't used it on the crown.



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vellusfarmer said:
Hi, this is my first post here. Maybe a proper introduction later, but as for my first question I was wondering is it possible to shed on the crown area because of applying minoxidil (Spectral DNC) on temples only?

I ask this because I've been 8 months on finasteride, 2 months on Spectral and just lately I noticed (after getting a haircut) that my crown looks much worse, a clear big bald area visible in any decent lighting. I think it's too late for a finasteride shed (is it? after 8 months?) so I thought maybe it's the minoxidil. But then again it would be weird as I haven't used it on the crown.


Ok. You have noticed that you crown seems thinner? This can be normal. Many of us, mis-interpret this. The hormonal cycle and hair cycle still applies. Your crown can seem thin on odd times and will just thicken up on other times. This applies to me. I can see 3 months down the line, that my crown is thinner and the next 2 months, back to normal. Don't worry too much about it.

If you are really worried, you can apply minoxidil onto it.

(1) Applying minoxidil on the temple region, depending on the amount of concentration, can spread to the crown. How? Minoxidil is actually absorbed into the bloodstream. If you apply minoxidil after you have had a wet shower and hair wash, you will notice that minoxidil soaks in much quicker due to the pores being opened much more. You will also feel more dizzy and sometimes have a bit of chest pain. If so, stop! See a doctor.
Back to what you asked. Yes. You are correct. Minoxidil can spread even if you apply to one specific area. People forget the history of minoxidil and how it was found to cause hair growth. It was actually giving to people in tablet form for people with heart problems. They noticed that these individuals had hair growth on the crown as a side effect.


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Thanks. :)

I'm applying only three sprays of Spectral DNC onto my hairline once per day, so I don't know whether that small amount can be the reason for a lot thinner crown... oh well, you never know about this stuff do you.. just need to wait and see..