Took oral spironolactone


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I recently spent two weeks on oral spironolactone in a last ditch effort to save my hair (and to help with acne as a bonus). DO NOT TAKE ORAL spironolactone! I was taking low doses, 50 or 75 mg and still felt awful. It's a hard emotion to convey, because it's not depression, you just feel really bad and weak. Guys who take this everyday at 200 mg everyday for months must be either making the male to female move or they are mentally ill. The side effects on this **** are like nothing I have experienced in my life. Zero energy, time slowing to a crawl, sensitive nipples, insane brain fog, insomnia and extremely shallow sleep. I don't know how anyone can function with this stuff in their system.


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The magic is, everyone reacts differently to it. I have also taken spironolactone, not sure if 25 or 50 mg/d, even had some finasteride in the blood, and it was ok, and also my hair got stronger (pull test). It is simply pointless to infer from others..