Took .25 mg 3x EOD over 1 week and got gyno


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I can't believe this. I took Propecia before, got gyno stopped. Then, i think maybe i'll take .25 mg of propecia EOD and after 3 doses, yes 3 = .75mg total my nipples are sensitive and are swollen. What the hell. I'm going to a pool party weekend in 16 days but now i have gyno. Does anyone know how long it will last?? keep in mind, i took 3 .25 mg doses. That's less than 1 pill total over a week span. Come on!!!! the sad part is, my hair was shedding before that's why i took it.....and when i started took it last week, my hair immediately stopped shedding. unreal. i'm soooooo sensitive, guess i'll be rogaine.


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Well, i'm sitting here right now and my nipples are sensitive. they are pointy. I guess it's like when a girl goes through pms and gets sensitive nipples. my body just had a spike in estrogen, hopefully my test will be back within 16 days. I too am in shock that this happened in 1 week. 3 doses, i even forgot 1 day so i took .25 last tuesday, thursday and sunday. now it's the following wednesday. what can i do???


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testosterone. i've heard that soy increases estogen as well, so i'll avoid that and not stress at all. i've heard stress also increases estrogen. hopefully, that'll be good enough. there are some hot girls going to this weekend in mexico, i don't want to have puffy tits when i go.


you can't get gyno in one week. you're telling me that you took 3 quarters of ONE dose of finasteride and got gyno? it's equivalent to taking like 1 pill having gyno the next day. I just cannot believe that.


bubka said:
did you have "puffy nips" to begin with

i mean, there are a lot of guys these days with titties

Girls, rub on your titties (yeahhhhhh)

Yeah I said it -- rub on your titties

New York city gritty committee pity the fool that

act shitty in the midst of the calm, the witty

Sorry. Just made me think of that. :lol:


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stop taking it then weak sauce


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I'm a medical student (I'll be a doctor in 5 months) and I've seen and touched gynaecomastia. It feels and looks exactly like breast tissue. If your chest don't look like and feel like a woman's breast, you ain't got gynaecomastia. This pointy nipple business is nonsense. You're stressing yourself out for no reason whatsoever.