Too late to gett of minoxidil?


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Hi all,

I've been applying min to my crown/vertex for the past year. I will NOT stop using min there.

However, I recently started using min on my temples (about 1 month ago), and experienced a heavy shed. I lost alot of my temples and I'm thinking of stopping. I don't want to be dependant on minoxidil for my temple region and for it to only last 2-5 years. I recently started finasteride so if I maintain what I have right now I would be more than happy, instead of getting slight regrowth on my temples and then losing it down the stretch.

Is it too late? Thoughts??



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A shed from minoxidil in the beginning is pretty normal isnt it? If youre going to be using for your crown/vertex might as well stick with the temples too.

Im not sure what would happen with the hairs that have fallen out from the shed if you stop interested to know though