Too late for meds?


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Hi guys,

I'm 21 years old. I first notcied my hair receding about 4 years ago. I used to have really bad anxiety, and went through a period of time where I didn't eat and dropped about 40 pounds (to about 110 pounds...I'm 6'1'', so yea, pretty skinny). I'm fairly confident that, while not the exact cause of my hairloss, it definitly jumpstarted it. I have a history of baldness (my moms grandfather was bald by about 23...YIKES).

My hair loss is pretty much all over, with a receding hairline, as well as thinning on top. I shed a lot of hairs both on my pillow and in the shower.

I've posted some pictures and I want peoples opinions. Am I too far gone for meds? I can post better pictures if need be.

