Tone on this forum


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Bo-SOX tied the series with the Yankees............down 3 games!!! This is INSANE FOLKS!!!! Tomorrow will be the best game of the whole entire season, this game will make history!!! Man, I love this time of the year!!!!

Any who, Im OUT!



Senior Member
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All of you b****s need to use the search feature and shut the f*** up.

Thanks <3.


Axon said:
All of you b****s need to use the search feature and shut the f*** up.

Thanks <3.

I agree, there is a wealth of information on this site that some people are just too lazy to look up. People need to educate themselves more by reading and taking notes. Asking questions like "where can I buy Proscar" really get on my nerves.

Otherwise as you say, they can just STFU.


Senior Member
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Go yankees!! I hate boston and their stupid fans. Its bad enough the patriots are gonna win the super bowl again! :p

Hey part time ninja if your girl needs a place to stay I have a vacant space to the left side of me in my bed tonight!! :p :p She can rub my bald spot for me all night long!!


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You see i just made two posts that increased my postings. Who is to say that the number of posts you have does not increase your knowledge of hairloss. I get smarter with every post I swear it!!

not me!

Experienced Member
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Axon said:
All of you b****s need to use the search feature and shut the f*** up.

Thanks <3.

The problem with that lies in the fact that a new person to the forums may not know that the search function even exists yet. Upon first glance, a forum is a pretty "busy" place with lots of different icons, windows, functions, etc. Not to mention that English is a second language to many visitors also, so to navigate the functions of the forum is a whole lot more difficult for them.

How hard is it to have some patience with "new" members and utilize some self-control in your snide comments?


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social_drinker said:
Axon said:
All of you b****s need to use the search feature and shut the f*** up.

Thanks <3.

The problem with that lies in the fact that a new person to the forums may not know that the search function even exists yet. Upon first glance, a forum is a pretty "busy" place with lots of different icons, windows, functions, etc. Not to mention that English is a second language to many visitors also, so to navigate the functions of the forum is a whole lot more difficult for them.

How hard is it to have some patience with "new" members and utilize some self-control in your snide comments?

Mine was in jest bro. But sarcasm is, admittedly, hard to catch through text.

I actually consider myself pretty helpful. :D

not me!

Experienced Member
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Ah, my apologies, then.

Sarcasm is hard to convey in text. Which is exactly why a lot of the "tiffs" get started in the first place and, ultimately, these threads get started...:)


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viperfish said:
Hey part time ninja if your girl needs a place to stay I have a vacant space to the left side of me in my bed tonight!! :p :p She can rub my bald spot for me all night long!!

I'll pass that on to her - I'm siure she'll be ecstatic about it :lol: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2:


PartTimeNinja said:
Does anybody know where to get Proscar cheap? :lol:

you fricking retard, why post your dumb sh*t here instead of looking in the Proscar thread, why I ought to.....(swings arm around in a circular manner)

etc etc

c'mon, stop with all this 'let's sort it out' crap, let's fight!!!!!!!!


Established Member
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Damn I though Tone Loc was posting in the forums, what a let down. :(


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The only tone is MY WEINER !