Tomg's Story - (17 / receding pictures!!)


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I'm going to keep this short and to the point :)
Bascially i'm 17 and my temples have been receding for about a year, it worrys me slightly because im young.

What do you reckon ?
sorry for all the pics



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where is the loss?

i think you just acquired your mature hairline

is male pattern baldness running in your family?

how does your dad look? his dad and your moms dad

any older brothers?

you dont look like you have any loss

you are very young so if you are really serious and think you are losing your hair

you should see a derm and get mapped for a miniaturization test

or their is this "test" you can take that will tell if you will experience MBP i dont know the name but others on this forum do

i wouldn't get carried away with your "hair loss" if i were you

you will go crazy!

and you practically have none (no offense)

maybe a case of bdd "i would know"


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i really hope it is a mature hairline
yes there is male pattern baldness in my family,
dad aged 44- nw3 thinning
brother18- same hair as me
mother side grandfather passed away- reached nw6 by the ages of 30 roughly
fathers side grandfather passed away- nw2 thick
uncle- reached nw6 at 50 roughly

so bascially my hairloss is a lottery, i know i probably will experince more loss but i don't know how much. my dad said his hairline receded at my age and then stayed the same.

thankyou none taken :)


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yeah i think it probably is just the mature hairline "god i hate that term!"

umm well the chances are that may have future loss in the male pattern baldness area

maybe to the degree of NW3 just like your dad

just from my experience

when i was a little older than you 19-20 or soo

i noticed that my hair was turning blonde in some parts of the front (hair naturally med-dark brown)

i thought it was cool "having natural high-lights"

but little did i know those hairs were being miniaturized (producing a thinner less pigmented hair "blonde"

if i were you i would keep an eye out for that

especially in your "temple triangles and temple region"

that is usually the first to go

but dude enjoy having no hair loss and dont worry about it

your hairline is thick and you crown probably the same, enjoy you life

hope this helps cheers mate


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yh my hair is thick however like you say it is rly thing in the temple region. i know i am losing hair but its extremely minimal and if i end up losing more as i got older, as long as it goes slowly im fine that :)

i dont want to let this bother because frankly worrying isn't going to do me any good.

thankyou you've been really helpful


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happy to help!

if you have any more question

i'm an open book

it wouldn't hurt if you started using some form of keto "nizoral" shampoo 3 times a week though IMO

cheers mate


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well m8 i dont see any hair loss :dunno: in my opinion but i see other little reds probs that u might consider to treat.


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i reckon a mature hairline, similiar to mine


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I dont think these pictures shows the reality of my hair beacause i've combed my hair to either side. If i let my hair fall naturally you can clearly see that my temples are thinner and also if i use my hands to pull my fringe back i see little hairs in and around my hairline ?


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tomg said:
I dont think these pictures shows the reality of my hair beacause i've combed my hair to either side. If i let my hair fall naturally you can clearly see that my temples are thinner and also if i use my hands to pull my fringe back i see little hairs in and around my hairline ?

those little hairs are normal most of the time, my dads 53 man, full head of hair, and he has smaller and thinner hairs at the hairline, i have them, pretty much everyone has them man, dont worry


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ok thanks
Its just i know for a fact that my fringe is not as thick as it was. ive been forced to cut my hair shorter because i can't have the full long fringe look anymore.
I'm really considering buzzing my hair and forgetting about it but im not sure what my girlfriend would say :thumbdown2:


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its a mature hairline your dad has good hair for his age, i wouldnt worry, dont be stupid like me and shave it when theres nothing wrong, in the one corner of my hair, i have some hairs from where my hairline USED to be, that are small and thin(miniaturized) but the actual hairline is completly fine, probably the same as you, i know what its like to get a mature hairline early, i got mine at 13/14, and im now 19 and a half, and my hair is exactly the same as it was 5-6 years ago, when it first matured i got a little worried as well, i didnt look into it at all, then i got folliculitis and i got tiny bald spots from it, i got scared and found this site, and ive been here ever since and im paranoid about my hair, i post here alot, people hate me on here cause i dont friggin listen to them, dont become like me, your hair is fine right now, probably should leave here untill you are actually balding, thats IF you go bald. i dont believe the male pattern baldness comes from one side of the family, so just because your maternal grandad was balding, wont mean you will go bald 100%(to everyone who knows how much im obessed about my own maternal grandad, i know ,i know, practice what i preach),
your not balding right now, and you probably wont for a while


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sorry for more pics but i just wanted you to look at my hair without it parted.
What you reckon ?


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Established Member
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I'm only 16, with hardly any knowledge of hair loss. But have you tried small things which may help.

-Green Tea is supposed to be a really good DHT blocker, try drinking 2-4 cups a day
-Diet. Change it. The most important meal of the day is brekfast. Have a protein based diet. Nothing like sausages, bacon etc as they contain fat. Try having Nuts, Tuna, Eggs. Have protein in all your meals.
-While washing your hair, always give a 15 minute massage covering your whole scalp.

And thanks for replying to my thread. =]


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its not problem :)

to be honest my diet is good anyway but i know all them things help but hairloss is genetic and if your going to lose your hair, you lose your hair. green tea and extra protein wont make much difference.


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hmmmm i see your point

it still "could" be just your mature hairline

go see a derm and get checked for miniaturization because its really hard to see if it's mbp or not

funny do you normally wear your hair down like in the second pic?

i have the almost same hairstyle

i think it looks good on you

also it hides those ENLARGING temples

go see a derm and find out for sure

cheers mate


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yh but if i see a derm then they confirm i have male pattern baldness then what ? because if im meant to be bald im not taking meds for the rest of my life.


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i'd be concerned that your mother's father was NW6 by 30. this is not a myth! my experience is that those with maternal grandfathers who go bald by 30 (like mine) are at a very high risk for male pattern baldness.

that said, 17 is quite young to notice anything unless it is really severe. i can't tell from the pics, i think it's too early and your hair is extremely thick. i'd just keep an eye on it over the next 2-4 years and see what happens.

there's not much you can do now, so don't worry about it and enjoy your hair!

p.s. "taking meds for the rest of my life" you make it sound like a terminal cancer patient or something. how about if i have to "brush my teeth for the rest of my life" i'd rather let them rot.


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yh but you dont have side effects with brushing your teeth :)

thanks for your help tho i think im going to take each day as it comes