Today was a big day for me.

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I work in the horse racing industry and had to assist someone on a presentation on horse racing equipment.

It was a presentation in front of 100+ people, who were dressed in shirt and tie.

I couldn’t afford anything to go wrong.

As I say, it was a big day.

It all started at 11am.

I made my way to the hall with my boss who told me the presentation was about to begin in 5 minutes.

I felt nervous.

I then went to the toilet.

When I got there, I checked the mirror to see if my Couvre induced hairline was still intact.

Everything was fine.

I made my way back to the hall to join my boss of whom I was assisting in the presentation about horse racing equipment.

It had begun.

All I had to do was be quiet and hold up and show the audience a series of items that corresponded with what my boss was talking about.

Nothing could go wrong.

We spoke about everything to do with horse racing.

We had just finished a description on racing stirrups when we had to move onto the final piece.

All of a sudden my boss turned to me and asked

“Ok, can you please show them the horse-shoeâ€

I paused for a moment.

I looked at my boss in a questionable way.

I looked puzzled.

It was still quiet.

So my boss asked again.

“Ok, can you please show them the…… â€

Before he finished the sentence, I grimaced like a troll, thrusted my head forward to the audience, pulled out a torch from my pocket and shined it onto my head revealing the most ugliest horse-shoe pattern ever seen.

Then in a 'slow-guy' voice and with saliva dripping from my mouth, I shouted “I'm quite proud of my Bosley Hair transplant!â€

All of a sudden, everyone started to puke.

This kicked off a barrage of pukes - everyone was puking on one another.

Everything was going wrong.

My boss began to shout at me.

I fell to the floor in shock.

I started to feel the floor with my hands.

As I fell, my travel size toppik fell out of my pocket.

Everything was out of control.

Ambulances could be heard in the background, trains were crashing in the streets, planes were spiralling out of control in the skies above.

My boss just stood there staring at me in utter disbelief at what he had just witnessed.

That’s when I trounced my pants and started to cry my eyes out.

My Norwood 3v had just triggered off world war 3.


Established Member
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hey there, funny shot. where do you work? im in toronto and would go to greenwood all the time to watch the standarbreds. now that they've torn greenwood down ive lost a lot of interest. i saw the breeders when it wa sup here, also saw fantastic light beat galileo in ireland, awesome race except fantastic light won. cool industry to wrok in, cept being an honest owner aint too profitable!


Experienced Member
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can you post it on off-topic section ? this the serious section where we share our opinions and etc not jokes


Established Member
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Holy sh*t Gunner, that was the scariest post I ever read. I'm gonna have nightmares myself.


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hey gunner, that was way too funny dude!! lol :p

ive got a request for.

can u make one up about "the good old days", when we did't have to deal with this shyte?

how we use to love running our hands through our heads, and not worry about the millions of hairs going down the drain??

ill look forward to it. maybe even put it in my local paper.


Established Member
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Haha you have comedy timing gunner. :D


Established Member
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keep it up gunner :lol:


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Cassin said:

It's a 50/50 shot people taking Gunner's recent posts serious. Keep'em coming.

Oh come on, his are obviously made up. He does not rate.


Experienced Member
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Did you guys just revived an almost 5 years old thread ?!?! :shock:


Senior Member
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lol yeah, I thought Gunner had returned then.
All we need now is Taugenichts.
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