Tocomin SupraBio


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I've been taking Tocomin SupraBio 60mg for just under 4 weeks...I'm not taking anything else currently.

I have really significant issues with scalp inflamation, flaking and acne type spots (I use t-gel and nizoral). So far I've had a dramatic decrease in scalp irritation over the past 14 days which has been a very pleasant surprise.

Obviously, it's too early to tell about the impact on my diffuse hair loss, but I'll keep you informed of progress...fingers crossed.

I'm in the UK and could only buy this on ebay.


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Another couple of weeks on, I have better news.

There has definitely been an improvement in the quality and possibly thickness of my hair. I am a diffuse thinner, but this morning I have seen many new fluffy hairs an inch in from my hairline...I'm very excited.

I will keep you posted, the condition of my scalp has never been as good!


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bolshy said:
Another couple of weeks on, I have better news.

There has definitely been an improvement in the quality and possibly thickness of my hair. I am a diffuse thinner, but this morning I have seen many new fluffy hairs an inch in from my hairline...I'm very excited.

I will keep you posted, the condition of my scalp has never been as good!

I can't honestly see how you would get any regrowth from this, this is the product right? ... dientFacts

It has nothing to inhibit any of the factors that lead to male pattern baldness. You might just be suffering a Placebo effect. I've no doubt that you might have seen better thickness and health, but I expect that those "fluffy" hairs are on their way out, not in.

One thing I have in common with you though is the presence of scalp inflammation. How has this effected your scalp. I constantly have scalp inflammation at varying intensities throughout the day, Ketoconazole and fishoils have decreased it, unfortuenatly it's still there. Has this really helped? Is it completely gone?
I've heard this before only to find it doesn't do anything, please explain your situation thanks!.


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you have identified the right brand and I'm at a loss to explain the hair regrowth (other than the benefits of reducing the scalp inflammation).

I don't think you are right about the fluffy hairs, I know my hair well enough to see what's new and what's not, but who knows what will happen from here on in.

The biggest thing I've noticed is the reduction in scalp has more or less gone completely now! I have been on nizoral and t-gel and have tried moisturing scalp products, borage oil, flax see oil etc...nothing has been this good. I stopped minoxidil a while ago because of the scalp situation and headaches and now I take nothing else as I had more or less given up.

I will keep you up to date, but try and not be too sceptical


bolshy your link is broken. Is this it?: ... dientFacts

Please keep us updated, and please show us pictures in the future if possible.

I think I will purchase 360 caps and use 2 a day for the first few months, then reduce to 1 cap a day to stretch it out a bit. I'm undecided but it's pretty cheap considering it's going to last at least 6 months.


Yeah, only 2 months you took it, I want to give it 6 months or so and see how it goes. How many mg was your toco-sorb? I just purchased 75mg per capsule (Swanson brand).. 420 caps in all. I plan to take 1 a day but every so often, 2 a day. It's too expensive for me to purchase a years supply at 2 a day.


JLL said:
See the first post on the experiment for information on amounts.

Ok, 60mg. Your supplement has 30mg of d-alpha-tocopherol which I have read in several places that this can reduce the effects of Tocotrienols. 30mg of d-alpha-tocopherol going together with 60mg of Tocotrienol, I would imagine this would reduce the effectiveness quite a lot but I am just speculating.

I purchased 7 bottles of these yesterday:

and plan to take mostly 1 capsule a day (with the occassional 2 a day sometimes). I cannot afford to buy a years supply at 2 caps a day. I also purchased a years supply of MSM just because it was buy one get one free.


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goten574 said:
JLL said:
See the first post on the experiment for information on amounts.

Ok, 60mg. Your supplement has 30mg of d-alpha-tocopherol which I have read in several places that this can reduce the effects of Tocotrienols. 30mg of d-alpha-tocopherol going together with 60mg of Tocotrienol, I would imagine this would reduce the effectiveness quite a lot but I am just speculating.

Possibly. I have also later learned that any form of tocopherol may reduce the absorption of tocotrienols. I would try to find a supplement with only tocotrienols if I were to try them again.


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This is my 2.5 monthly update...things are going well.

My scalp health is as good as it's been for years, but the most significant improvement is my hair regrowth. I have new hairs all over, with also a noticeable thickening of my established hair. The one odd thing is the emergence of quite a few thick very dark hairs (my hair has never been thick or dark). It's early days, but I'm very hopeful fo further growth so I'll stick to my two a day regime.

My only concern is getting hold of more as they don't sell them in the UK.

These pics are far from ideal, the first taken about 6 weeks ago, the second taken yesterday...not sure how clearly the pics show it, but there is actually a big difference. I'll try and get the angle right for the next update in 2 months.


JLL said:
Possibly. I have also later learned that any form of tocopherol may reduce the absorption of tocotrienols. I would try to find a supplement with only tocotrienols if I were to try them again.

This is why I purchased the Swanson toco's, as they contain only tocotrienols, and no tocopherol of any kind. They also contain fish oil and CoQ10 which I hear is good for hair... I don't know if it actually is. Each capsule has 75mg of total tocotrienols, and I have 420 caps, so it's going to be 1 capsule a day for most times. I will use Sesame Seed to enhance absorption though.

bolshy said:
This is my 2.5 monthly update...things are going well.

My scalp health is as good as it's been for years, but the most significant improvement is my hair regrowth. I have new hairs all over, with also a noticeable thickening of my established hair. The one odd thing is the emergence of quite a few thick very dark hairs (my hair has never been thick or dark). It's early days, but I'm very hopeful fo further growth so I'll stick to my two a day regime.

My only concern is getting hold of more as they don't sell them in the UK.

These pics are far from ideal, the first taken about 6 weeks ago, the second taken yesterday...not sure how clearly the pics show it, but there is actually a big difference. I'll try and get the angle right for the next update in 2 months.

bolshy, does your toco supplement contain any tocopherols? You use the NSI one right? I am in the UK too, just order online from American, it's not that expensive, plus you avoid VAT charges. Vitacost, iHerb and Swanson are good sites that ship to the UK.

Bolshy, what else are you using besides that toco supplement? and were you trying to post photos? I see none.


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The pics wont load unfortunately, each time I try it just crashes the site.

Goten, yes I'm using the NSI product which as you know is made of 26IU d-Alpha Tocopherol.

Thanks for the alternatives for ordering them, but the last time I tried with another supplement fromt he States I was left with a £75 customs tax charge.

Good luck


bolshy said:
The pics wont load unfortunately, each time I try it just crashes the site.

Goten, yes I'm using the NSI product which as you know is made of 26IU d-Alpha Tocopherol.

Thanks for the alternatives for ordering them, but the last time I tried with another supplement fromt he States I was left with a £75 customs tax charge.

Good luck

I was stung by a £45 customs tax charge last week.... ouch, didn't expect that. The £45 is actually the wrong amount as the invoice is incorrect. I am going to challenge this charge and get the invoice corrected, which should bring the charge down a bit.