To your dismay, I'm back.. with updates.


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Well, more like just repetition of everything I've said for the past 15 months. I keep upping the ante, and nothing has been working for me. I've been on Avodart and 15% minoxidil since december after fumbling around with different amounts of finasteride, and multiple applications of minoxidil and still the same constant egression of the dome. While it's still looking presentable, I am not satisfied with anything that may (or may not) have happened with my treatments. Been trying to inch my way up to find something that works, and I still have 2 things left I can do. I've been only applying minoxidil 1 time per day. Since it's 15%, I was thinking that I could get away with it... but I guess I was wrong. I can apply 5% in the morning, and 15% at night. Now, after that, the only thing I have left to do is to apply 15% twice daily, and up the dutasteride doseage... which I don't REALLY want to do because it's 230 dollars for a 4 month supply.

Anyways. There's my b**ch session for the quarter... If I don't come back for a while, it's cuz I been trying to find something better to do than worry about my hair. It's too depressing.

To all.. peace.


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No one can accuse you of not trying to save your hair. I'll say that for you. I hope your treatments work out for you.
PS Notice any side effects with Dutasteride?


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Thanks for the quick reply. To be brutally honest... I would have been thrilled beyond words to have experienced ANYTHING with any of my treatments. The only thing I can say I've experienced was a mild scalp itch in the early stages of Rogaine. Maybe a slight wane and wax cycle of my libido, which may also just be normal. Decreased body hair was also noticible, which could be a positive sign. Though I'd gladly grow body hair like a boar to save the hair on my scalp. I dunno... you can only be hopeful for so long before you just want to throw in the towel. I won't give up till the 2 year mark, but god it's hard throwing thousands of dollars at a vague 'Maybe' at my stage right now. I mean, it doesn't really bother me much anymore, cuz I know there's always someone worse off than me, and there are far worse afflictions than losing your hair. Plus I don't think that it would really affect my charisma much anyways... I think it's more the feeling of helplessness that's worse than the actual situation at hand. Just another one of those milestones. Plus I can always finance a few transplants and be OK.

The outcome is either good or bad, but it all depends on how you look at it. If the door closes on you, you have full power to open up another one. I think that's what I just might end up doing.



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other options


look at it from another angle...
you might have already covered the DHT and growth stimulant part...

maybe you are lacking some nutrient in your system!!!
Why dont' you try taking MSM or biotin...

and also try taking avodart or finasteride at diffent internal in a day...
this will completely eliminate all DHT from forming....

take it once in the afternoon and once before bed...

Last, i wish you good luck and don't give up


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Wow, it's terrific that you're not experiencing anything negative from dutasteride! I mean, in terms of growing hair, it seems like the odds are really in your favor with a drug that powerful.
I can't imagine dutasteride, personally. Finasteride was ruining my sex life. I couldn't get erections when I needed to, and when I did, they just weren't firm enough. It was so frustrating. Occasionally, I'd pull off a good night and really enjoy sex, but often times, it was just emotionally draining to constantly wonder if I was going to be able to perform.
The things we do to save our hair. Maybe I was a fool.
I can't imagine dutasteride because IF you are one of the unfortunate sufferers of side effects, they are bound to last longer since dutasteride metabolizes so slowly.
Also, we still don't know about long term side effects with's just scarey. You're a brave man, Stingray. I hope you grow lots of hair. :hairy:


15months and no results? really no results or some results?

If I went 15months with NO results - I´d throw in the towel.

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Stingray, I read there is now a generic dutasteride available. Do a search on it on the different hairloss sites for more info, because all I know about it is that it exists.

Good luck.


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I've actually nixxed the idea of using any form of generic besides minoxidil. I took Fincar for 6 months, and it seemed strangely ineffective even by my low standards.

When I said "no results" I meant no SATISFACTORY results. I'm more than sure that the treatment has at least slowed my hair loss down to hurricane speeds... but my idea of "results" is complete cessation of loss.

It's seeming like an unattainable goal right now however.


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That really sucks Stingray :(

only effective thing that i can think of that you can try is spironolactone 2% or 5%...
or or if u really wanna go wild try the Oz Brew :hairy:


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Sting, I'm glad to see you drop in again. I'm sorry the circumstances couldnt be better. I hope you do find something else to occupy yourself and keep your sanity if the battle continues to go downhill. And remember, even if you lose it, you dont have to be bald forever. Just keep your chin up and work hard and in a few years you should be able to buy yourself a head of real hair.

Although maybe by then you'll find it isnt as important as it feels now.

Best of luck bro.
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Hi Stingray,
Last year I tried the Remox I and I swear it really works beter than normal minoxidil.
Its a 5% minoxidil + tretinoin. Spray it on from a distance 4 times a day and you'll see some gains. Its quite expensive so now I'm on regular minoxidil.
You can also get away with it with just 2-3 times a day but for the first 1-2 months I suggest to do the full 4.

ATTN: NEWBIES: You're only supposed to apply minoxidil 2 times per day. The above treatment is only recommended by a handful of doctors with their own formula. And no its not a business thing as they allow to downgrade to 1-2 times per day after you have had some regrowth. The 4 times a day is to shock your hair into regrowth.

And yes it causes irritation but if you spray from a distance and do not rub, its relatively ok.

You should try these products if regular Rogaine does not work for you.


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dude after trying all these very powerful treatments and getting little back , do you think maybe you should look into other causes for your hairloss? like thyroid , insulin resistance etc? i know the statistic is like 90% of hairloss is male pattern baldness but i'd assume thats a number obtained through dermatologists who just assume thats the only cause for hairloss. possibly if more time were taken on diagnosis we'd find that hairloss causes are far more evenly spread across the board. most people here are probably suffering from male pattern baldness AND another factor is aggravating this.