to towel dry or blow dry before applying Moxidil


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I am 57 year old female and have been using Rogaine 2% for about six months with great success. I read somewhere that you only had to towel dry hair before applying, which is helpful with styling. So to be sure, I emailed Pfizer and got a reply with a phone # to call. I called the # with my question, was put on hold several times while the guy "researched my question". He finally came back and said that you only have to towel dry before using. I'm not 100% sure this answer is correct and felt he might not have been able to get an answer so told me what he thought I wanted to hear. So if styling is critical after shampoo, I towel dry, but most days I deal with applying after blow drying.
If anyone has an absolute answer about this question, I would love to hear it.

Also, I don't use my fingers to spread it on my scalp - I don't want my fingertips to absorb the precious stuff. So I use a wide tooth comb instead.


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The only reason they suggest drying is to prevent too much minoxidil from beign absorbed systemically. If your scalp is wet when applying it minoxidil will absorb better. If this happens you may experience side effects such as racing heart, headache and increased body hair. If you don't get sides then don't worry about it. Besides 2% is less likey to cause sides than 5%.


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Towel dry for sure man. Probably better for your hair overall anyway.

But as for the wide-tooth comb - i think that could be less effective. Cos you want to massage it into the scalp a bit which I don't see how you could do with just a comb.