to scared to....


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Im kind scared to get on Rogaine...ive read alot of stuff. and im just not decided yet...Im not even on finasteride which i should be but also scared about ordering from an online place...dont know what to do.
Im 23 and my front is thinning a bit
how well does rogaine foam work?


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i'm 25 and my hair is thinning a tad in the front and just started on the foam. I think pills are too serious for an option at this moment I want to see how the foam works first. So far the foam has been VERY easy to use no side effects whatsoever. I'm like on my second week on it, obviously no results yet but i'll let ya know down the road.


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I know exactly how you feel. I have a 3 month supply of foam sitting in my bathroom and I just can not get myself to start doing this in fear of one thing or another.

I first attacked my hair loss with fina and it ended up giving me terrible side effects. I think taking a pill a day and forgetting about it is more ideal then applying a topical solution. Unfortunately, things didn't work out for me...


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really you had bad side effects? i heard that was rare...on finasteride...yea im thinning just a bit in the front....i think i might have to try the Rogaine.
but twice a day for years.....WTF...?
hows it going so far?


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I opted to not use finasteride.

Been using topicals for a while.

You'll never know unless you try it, and until you do, you'll just lose more hair. Start.


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Don't be scared of the sides. Even if you get them, they go away quickly if you stop. No reason not to give it a go.


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trust me.. the rogaine foam twice a day is no big woop.. i see it as a new "maintenence" thing i have to do like brushing my teeth.. except the foam is easier and faster than that.

I mean please... I've heard that certain toothpastes give you pimples and oral cancer. I don't plan on getting on finasteride anytime soon.. I'm giving this foam a shot for a bout a year to see what happens.. so far I'm on week 3.