To all those w/questions about shedding or analyzing sheds


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If there's one thing I've learnt from reading this forum the last couple of months is that you can conclude nothing from observing the amount of hairs you lose every day.

The only thing that is certain is that ON AVERAGE a person suffering from male pattern baldness will shed more hairs than a person not suffering from male pattern baldness.

Whether you suddenly start shedding more, or start shedding less, there is only one way to determine whether this is a good or bad thing; and that's taking pictures of your head over time and examining them.

Perhaps this will reduce the number of "I'm on my month 8.5 of finasteride and I'm suddenly shedding 23% more - is this a good thing?" questions for a few weeks :D


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I agree. But short-cycling is an indication of something going wrong(besides the undesputable picture of one's scalp) and that can be observed by short hairs not having been cut.

Not freaking out about shedding is my suggestion too though.


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short in short anagen syndrome? .. that due to male pattern baldness too? cause 70 % of the hair i'm losing is an inch to 2 inches shorter than the rest of my hair.

this 2 week killing me slowly.

i was losing around 40 hair a day..from the front and vertex till it starts getting visable. so i take finasteride....first..within 3 days of the first libido crashes. so i'm like ..thats big deal..will return....close to the third week and its exactly the same way..totally 0...then..2 weeks into treatment..i wash my hair and i'm losing close to 200 in the sink!...

my blood pressure is sky rocketting on top of that..and i cant style my hair anymore! and my male pattern baldness came totally unexpected..didnt ever think i'd go bald..unlike some people who have some idea of things to come from looking at their dad at 54..still has hair..and me..i'm just 22!..*sob.. with just one bald uncle from moms side!..



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Are you sure male pattern baldness sufferers shed more on average? I am shedding like mad but it seems to be the same ammount of hairs form the top and from the sides. The problem is that the hair on top is already thinning so loosing nearly 100 hairs form there hurts more than the ones lost from my thick *** sides. At least some of the new hairs growing in look like good hairs.

I guess on average you could say that male pattern baldness sufferers shed more than others, but I think the typical male pattern baldness sufferer sheds the same as others.


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you're right...since the past four years, i've had hair fall in front of me while having meals. my washroom floor is covered with hair. there is ALWAYS hair in the sink . always on my shoulders (hate wearing white). i thought it was just me. but a friend of mine who doesnt have male pattern baldness..i used his washroom once. the EXACT same all over the damn place and he said he lost the same as me...close to 40 hair a day. now, he still has a headfull of hair while mine has -miniturized- !. :( .key word here..

male pattern baldness sufferrers just dont regrow as much hair as they lose and they go through the miniturization process.. everybody sheds.


I lose SO MUCH hair every day - all over the place - sometimes more sometimes less, but I have been staying with my mum for the past 6 weeks and more of her is over the place then mine. We have to vacuum so often.

I think that although I have thickened up a bit at the back and have maintained the rest on finasteride that I still shed a lot - maybe not as much as before but still so much that it can freak me out a bit.

But I tell myself to look at the hair on my head not the hair in the sink - if I didn't I would go crzy trying to look for an answer in my shed hairs.