Tiny dark hairs?


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Been using rogaine for 4 months to the day. Along my hairline I noticed all the white clear hairs that sprouted up after a month or so have no vanished and been replaced with tiny dark hairs. Now these aren't quite the same thickness as normal hairs and are very short.

Is this a good sign and will turn into real hairs? Or will these hairs just be like this forever?


Experienced Member
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It depends on the person, it can go terminal again after some months or year but it can also stay that way. Only time will tell.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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What do you mean again? These are new hairs.

A terminal hair is a normal healthy hair. What he means by going terminal is hair growing into a healthy, full sized hair


Established Member
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Gotcha. It appears some of them aren't growing any longer (on one side 90% have, other side maybe 50% if that). Any idea what to make of that?


New Member
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the same thing is happening to me. To the right side the tiny hair is becoming stronger but, at the left side... is full of new tiny hair but is not growing at all. It is funny. At least i am very happy with the results and, only have been using minoxidil for 7 weeks.