Time to start worrying?


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Well, only 23, and its only been in the past 8 months that things have really gone down hill (basically when I started my new job and moved).

The day before, had gotten my hair cut, and they were always saying my hair was about the thickest they've ever seen, and chances are I'd never go bald, but...

Anyways, within the past several months, my hair has been shedding extremely quickly. Last year at this time, I couldn't even see my scalp at all, and now, after wetting my hair, I can easily see it.

It's not like my hairlines receding, or thinning. My hair itself, is still on the coarse side, and the hairline is pretty much the same (a little thinning in the very front, but its been that way for years). Its more just shedding, and not growing back at all. Also, this is pretty much evenly distributed throughout the top of my head.

Tried looking around, but it seems all they are talking about is a receding hairline, or the hair becoming finer and finer for reasons to use Rogaine or Propecia or its ilk. Any advice appreciated.


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you are probably a diffuse thinner.

if you have male pattern baldness in your family, you will go bald eventually - how fast depends on many factors.

propecia, nizoral, minoxidil


Senior Member
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You sound like me. Do some research on Propecia-Finasteride and Nizoral, and see if you'd like to begin those as a starting treatment.