Time to freak out?


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go enjoy your life.

U will know what true hair loss feels, like when you actually have it.

When your temple points are straight without the triangles, and temples are recessed in then we will talk about the begging stage of hair loss.


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Most folks on here say no male pattern baldness. They may indeed be right.

That said, I remember having a very similar hairline just before/as I started losing hair. Just be careful and pay close attention. If you notice the temples itching or temple hair coming out (kind of a no-brainer, but a no-brainer I ignored when I first started losing mine), then consider jumping onto the big three (finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral).

Good luck - your hair looks awesome.


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Just a natural prominent forehead, nothing else to see here.


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Hows your crown? If you have no thinning at your crown you're probably good.

I had a good hairline until the last few months (when I jumped on finasteride)..so I never noticed how much I was thinning from the crown till i saw it in a picture.
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Hows your crown? If you have no thinning at your crown you're probably good.

I had a good hairline until the last few months (when I jumped on finasteride)..so I never noticed how much I was thinning from the crown till i saw it in a picture.

There is one bathroom in my house where I can see some of my scalp. Freaks me out. My parents always laugh at me when I bring it up IMG_3439.JPGIMG_3440.JPGIMG_3441.JPGIMG_3442.JPGIMG_3443.JPG


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perfectly normal. In fact you actually have amazing density, and good hair characteristics.
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One final bump. If you guys keep telling me I am crazy then I will have to believe it. I feel like my hair is thinning in the front. Some lighting it looks normal. Some lighting it looks ok. And in bright lights it looks terrifying. I model so my hair is everything to me and I just cant lose it. Especially at 24



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Annoyingly good hair ;)

Some hair transplant surgeons will be able to tell you if there is any sign of miniaturisation by looking under a microscope and/or doing bulk measurements. Get this if you are really concerned but you should stop worrying. Nobody here can tell you if there is any thinning at the front just from photos but your hairline is very straight and you still have your temple points etc.
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After wearing a hat today my hair was all flattened out. Pulling my hair back on the left side showed this on my temple... Time to visit a doctor?


  • balding...jpg
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I don't think it matters if your dad had a full head of hair. For all you know, balding could be in your mother's line. For a time in fact it was believed that male pattern baldness was inherited from the mother's side, even though we have then realized that's a bit of a myth.

I'd look towards your grandparents or siblings of your mother. But, in my opinion, you do in fact have a pattern going on. I'd like to hear other answers as I'm on the same boat as you.

It's only a bit of a myth. There are a lot of factors that come from both sides, but androgen receptors come from the mother's side.

I'd go see a doctor. You know better than anybody about your hair, and if you think it's receded it probably has. It still looks good now, but if you wait and let it recede more you will not look like the same guy.


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After wearing a hat today my hair was all flattened out. Pulling my hair back on the left side showed this on my temple... Time to visit a doctor?

Looking at this picture I'd say you really have a problem. I remember when my hair was like that and nobody noticed I was losing my hair but me. Like you they thought I was crazy. Now a couple years later it's obvious to everyone, and I can't remember the last time I heard the words "you have great hair". I used to hear that all the time. Do something now before it gets worse.
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Looking at this picture I'd say you really have a problem. I remember when my hair was like that and nobody noticed I was losing my hair but me. Like you they thought I was crazy. Now a couple years later it's obvious to everyone, and I can't remember the last time I heard the words "you have great hair". I used to hear that all the time. Do something now before it gets worse.

Exactly. I still have a ton of hair and can make it look really good. No one has ever said anything and when I brought it up to my parents they laughed it off and ended the conversation instantly. But I cant shake the feeling that someone is wrong


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Yeah, and for those of us with thick, straight hair, balding has more of an impact than for people who never had great hair to begin with. You don't need to freak out though. If you get on finasteride you will most likely maintain what you have now and maybe get a little thickening. I wish I had done it when I still had that much hair. Now I'm sick trying to get regrowth to look good again. Maintaining is easy with today's treatments, but getting regrowth is really hard. That's why it's so important to stop balding in its tracks while your hair still looks good.