time period question


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I have been on propecia for 7 1/2 months and minoxidil for 4 months. My hair has defnitely thickened up and for the most part looks pretty good. The best part and the part I am most thankful for is that hair rarely falls out(knock on wood) Question I have is that I still have some weak spots on my head coverage wise and am hopeful that growth may come. What is a time period to expect some regrowth(i know not everyone has regrowth) 8-12months? I have seen several fine hair popping up on my hairline and it feels as though there are some short hairs developing through my scalp as I apply rogaine. Im not sure if this regrowth though, but I hope it is. Any input


Senior Member
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can take up to 2 years really, and the rogain will help, but you have to keep using it forever with the rogain growth, and of course the propecia


Established Member
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it's hard to tell since you started both treatments together. finasteride slowly reversed hair i lost, so slow i didn't really notice until i saw pictures taken @ baseline and 1 year + later.

stick with both...