ThunderTurd's Story, 32 yr Old 10 years into loss


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I agree the shaved look really works well for you. But if you're still interested in getting some hair back I don't think you should throw in the towel just yet. Looking around this site I've seen hair grow on guys heads in completely slick areas and there's no reason it can't happen for you. If you buy the generics it only runs you about $20 a month. Which is less than going out to eat at a restaurant one time. Try generic finasteride and minoxidil for like 5 months. I think you will be glad you did.

In the meantime shave it down cause you pull it off quite nicely.


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I'm kinda shocked the majority of people are saying don't bother trying. Considering that
generic 5% minoxidil at Wal-Mart is about $12/month, i'd say it's worth a go. You still have some hair at the very front of your hairline, so some follicles there have survived. Why not see if the surrounding ones aren't still viable? And generic proscar, cut up into .5mg pieces - dirt cheap too. There have been cases with good results. Obviously being happily married removes a key reason to challenge this situation, but you can never predict the future.


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treeshrew said:
hey man, if you want to try, and have some money to burn, i'd say get on propecia ($70/month with prescription) and rogaine foam ($30 or so/month) - you might go through more than 1 can a month of foam (the recommended dosage) because you'll want to rub it all over your head.

these treatments take time - 5+ months - so it's a hefty commitment and very well might not be worth the time and money seeing as you do sport the hairless look well, keeping it buzzed short.

at the same time it might be an interesting experiment just to see.. you never know.. you might be one of those freakish responders who regrows a ton of hair.

i wouldn't go the hair transplant route... it's some pretty serious surgery (look up FUE surgery - follicular unit extraction - on youtube), won't do much for you, and very costly.

hope this helps!

this guy is right on the money.....`find out the best proven current treatments and give it your best shot...don't ask if you should try or is it worth it...just do it and see what happens.

I have not read this entire thread but just up to this guy that I'm quoting it may have been mentioned, maybe not, but the big three is a must try.

finasteride...I cut proscar into 1/4's then take 1/4 a day.
minoxidil foam..the foam is the not substitute it, I buy from amazon or ebay in bulk
nizoral 2% <= in your case use it every day! also from requires prescription, canada does not ;)

things that help out:
t-sal improves scalp conditions and helps keep it healthy...only use it 2/week

take hair growth nutrients such as a multivitamin and silica

use the treatments for at least 2 years...your follicles have a lot of phases to go through just don't stop the treatments even though you don't see any growth because the action is taking place at the root. and if still nothing at least you gave it your best shot and never have to look back and wonder what if.

stay away from transplants unless you do some intensive research on it and especially reading other people's nightmare procedures that left them worse off. be realistic on the results I think that's where a lot of people go wrong.

join a gym and get buffed you'll feel a lot better about your appearance...also look into the headblade...shaving your whole head skin smooth..certainly better than a transplant gone wrong. don't forget that you can still use the treatments with a shaved head!

most importantly do it for yourself and no one else.

I'm going on 34 and have had my best results this year since adding the foam.


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Hairwish, you tell him to forget about his hairloss and live his life, yet you also suggest taking finasteride, rubbing minoxidil over his head a few times a day and using nizoral. Also taking silica and vitamins....

Isn't all this sh*t just a reminder of hairloss? As long as he is following this plan, he will constantly be reminded of hairloss just so he can get back a few more spurts of hair. Show me a few photos of anyone who has had a significant gain after hitting NW5 or 6, without having a high count hair transplant.

Just saying goodbye to all the Med's, pills, potions, cremes.. and moving on is the best way to forget about hairloss.

He looks fine the way he is.


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I was just editing while you were posting....and did indeed delete that sentence after rereading it...because I felt the same way..forget but use treatments?? huh? I guess what I was trying to say was don't get too caught up in worrying about it, just use the treatments like you brush your teeth..just do it and life goes on.

yes I agree he does look fine just the way he is but why is he here?


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thanks for responding and thanks for the link to the NW5 guy. Pretty impressive.
I do believe though that some guys come here just for the satisfaction of knowing (from others) that they look pretty good in their current state, and so they can put their fears to rest.
It's too bad we are not all completely bald to put everyone on the same playing field.


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Shaved look suits you anyhow

Am 31 soon and sadly when I shave my nut I look like a broken egg on both sides :(

Theres always hope tbh I just hope in a good 5-10 years theres a more effective hair loss treatment but will see.