three months on finasteride

Rocky V

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and I have began to shed like crazy

is this normal because I havent been shedding for the past two months


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I have been on finasteride since jan 1st and also began to shed two weeks ago. I've read that a shed 12-16 weeks after starting finasteride is normal and is usually a positive sign that the treatment is working. Guess we won't really know until 12 months pass, but I'm told month 3-5 on finasteride is the toughest due to the shed.


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I often read these comments but, Exist references in the bibliography/study about this issue? I can't find them.


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I've been on it 3-4 months and have a decent amount of shedding also. Everything I read tells me it's normal and to ride it out. Based on pictures taken every month, I'm not losing any ground and maybe gaining.


Been taking finasteride for 4 and a half months, definitely noticed shedding - and I take pictures once a week to check. Why the medical studies on finasteride haven't mentioned shedding, I have no idea...


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Check out SE Freak's story in the Success Stories. This will comfort you.

I continue to lose 100+ hairs a day and have actually improved. I believe it is normal. Some shed more others less. Your other option is to stop finasteride. then you can be sure that the hairs you lose will only come back weaker.

Rocky V

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ive noticed my hair getting thinner. I dont know if thats a good thing.

my finasteride is from 4rx right before they shutdown. I wonder if it's legit