thoughts on Nizoral


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I started nizoral today after reading up that i need it as part of my regime. anyone experience side effects? am i gonna have pimples all over my head, or lose hair, get a weird scalp, or grow a third eye or some sh*t? much thanks guys


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You will prob get LESS pimples. You won't grow a third eye but you might grow some thicker hair.

The only real sides are a dry scalp. I use 2%, Dr. Lees. And I leave it in for a long time. It doesn't really completely dry my's not THAT harsh.

Anyway, very very good decision adding it to your regimen!


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KeepTheHair said:
You will prob get LESS pimples.

That is true; Keto has properties to mop up all that excess sebum. I wash my face with Nizoral as well as my hair once every 2 - 3 days and it works wonders for my oily skin.


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Sides would be rare.I started using it for dandruff when nothing else worked.
I had no idea it helps against hair loss until i read up on it one day.
I buy mine @ Walgreens about 9$ a bottle use a little dab and it..
Usually lasts me a few months.I use it 2-3 times a week.


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You might get dry hair and scalp. Just cut down on the exposure time if that happens. I use it everyday. 1 min for maintance, 3 min when my seborrheic dermatitis is about to blossom. Nizoral is great for scalp maintance.

G k

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I second nickypoos comment.

It does wonders for my face. Shrinks my pores and cleans then like no other soap I've tried.

But if I use it too much I get sides. There are serious sides associated with systemic keto absorbtion! Before you poo poo on that idea its well documented and listed online.


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I don't think you have to worry about systemic absorption too much unless you drink the stuff. I also make sure I don't get it in my eyes for that reason (and because it hurts like hell!)


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Ouroboros said:
I also make sure I don't get it in my eyes for that reason (and because it hurts like hell!)

Haha very true, I manage to get a nice amount into my eyes every god damn time.


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What sides from systematic absorption?

I leave it on for as long as possible, make it wet and let it go gogogogo and just let it stay. My hair is improving and I love keto lol.

I've tried it on my acne and it doesn't really do anything for me unfortunately, but it should have benefits though.


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i used it this morning for the first time,i washed my hair with shampoo than lathered this stuff in and let it sit for 5 min than washed it out. from what i read,that is what you supposed to do.

butttt, how often do you guys use it.i read i should use it every day for a week or so than switch to every three. also, does anyone think this will make a difference for me? ive been on finasteride for 7 monhts, rogaine for two with no change that i noticed. i still have hair all over, but the top is thin

thanks bro-migo's