Thoughts on locked "Dr. Cole in 1 month" Thread

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That thread was very insightful regarding the behind the scenes goings-on in hair transplant clinics. To hair transplant or not to hair transplant can admittedly be a flip-floppy decision-making process, even without such information from insiders.

Dave One’s, Gillenator’s, Balloonman’s, and Many Others’ posts (no disrespect to anyone not named specifically) were like an intellectual and logical tennis match, and it was a good thing that they each brought up issues of which I was unaware. Made me feel naïve, even though I thought I had done quite a bit of research. Thanks guys, for your tactful posts.

It was unfortunate that name-calling later came into play, but it shows how passionately some guys feel about their experiences, and it illustrates how hairloss can emotionally charge thoughts, perceptions, and behaviour. Especially when we feel that someone is misrepresenting the truth or outright lying.

Threads like these make me think more about shills, possible favouritism for sponsors, strategic post-deletion by some mods, multiple-identity posters and motives, photographic illusions, pricing anomalies, cheerleaders, devotion to the Doctor that did you right, insiders and possibly docs sharing patient information that should arguably be kept confidential in my opinion, and... who to believe…

In my opinion, turn-over rate with office staff and surgical staff does matter, because it can affect comfortability level with this elective, vanity-propagated, wallet-size-reducing, potentially self image-altering SURGERY.

In my opinion, the posts from those employed in the biz tend to be biased for the clinic that pays them. We could likely get more accurate responses from those who are no longer working in the field. If you’re out there, PLEASE enlighten us average balding schmoes with your experience and wisdom, so we can proceed (or not) with more-valid confidence.

Here’s some of what I’ld still like to know…

Will the mods (with IP address confirmation), (or Forhair) confirm if Dr. Cole and Dr. Basinga actually wrote those posts, and then let us know?

Why did Girltech really leave?

What insight does The Fittest have to offer regarding the issues in that original thread?

Will FUE prices drop drastically anytime now, as claimed by at least one particular Doctor? Or was that merely a marketing tactic to shake up the strip scene?

Where the heck can one actually go to get reasonably affordable FUE that grows well, with acceptably minimal scarring?

That kinda sounded like the old sit-com SOAP, hunh? Now back to your slightly irregular programming…


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I never thought that that post could turn into such a big controversy. Personally I respect both Gillenator and Daveone. But that thread was very scary. It shows why we need to be careful before choosing any doctor.

The Gardener

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I don't delete postings without an explanation. Frankly, the wide range of opinion that is expressed, uncensored, indicates a fairly liberal and free speech. Note that even on this thread, I didn't delete anything, I just locked it because the debate was getting personal.

Are there shills out there? Maybe. That's why you need to consider many viewpoints and validate your judgements against the knowledge and experience of a broad range of opinions that are expressed here. You need to be your own detective, and take into account the poster's history, tenure, and past legitimacy when making judgements about the accuracy of their advice. This forum is, well, a forum, which by definition means that people will sometimes express opposing opinions.

Don't rely on the mods to tell you what is true, or to make decisions about relative efficacy of treatments or the curriculum vitae of hair transplant surgeons. We are not doctors, nor are we a certifying body that rates surgeons, so we are not going to play father here and tell you what to think, or not think, unless we come across a blatant mistruth of fact, or an obvious shill.

I do have IP information on Basinga and Cole, and I did a little DNS lookup on them. However, I will not reveal the IP of them, or ANY poster here to you publically as it is a violation of their privacy. What I can tell you is that their two IPs are distinct, and were not shared by any existing user here. In other words, they are not posting from the same IP as any of the existing posters have. That's all I can say.


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About Dr. Cole

I have read all the post and the fight concerning Cole and the other guys. I think the debate was personal and not professional.

Dr. Cole is considered to be the pioneer of FIT or FUE or however you want to call it, in US and Europe. He is the rightful leader on that technique and if it wasn’t for him many other Doctors and Techs like ******** and Larry would not exist. The case is that these guys were at some point getting greedy and their cooperation with Cole was no more viable. At least they should be thankful to a guy that taught them all they now know despite any personal differences. They are now on their own and we wish them good luck. There are patients out there for everybody.

I do not have anything to say about ballonman and Gillen as they express their personal opinions. All I can say is that showing respect for Doctors that have made a difference in the hair transplant industry is essential.


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Hair Cut: let me say that everything you mentioned in your post is very astute and I am impressed that you are able to understand how many different variables there are to consider when choosing a method and a surgeon.

I will answer some of the stuff you would still like to know:

Forhair, ******** and Cole did actually write those posts

Girltech is not permitted to discuss her parting with Cole but, she no longer works there.

Fittest has no insight to anything. He is a long time Cole patient and feels Cole is the ONLY Dr qualified to do a hair transplant. Once oyu understand that, you understand that nothing unbiased or useful can come from anything he says.

FUE prices will never drop, just like I said Dr Woods will never reveal his secrets. Even if they could extract 10,000 grafts a day with a mgic wand, they would still keep FUE prices higher than strip prices so, don't expect any $3 FUE anytime soon.

Who to go to for reasonably affordable FUE with minimal scarring is up to you. I can tell you that anyone using a punch larger than .8mm will not leave you with minimal scarring so forget any Dr that uses large punches (Yes, Like Cole) Pricing is easy, just find out how much they charger per graft. I could make some suggestions but, I do not want to be accused of being a shill.

GARDENER: I think the way you handled the thread is admirable. I am certain Cole contacted you via email or phone to put a stop to that thread and you didnt. You didnt censor anything and let it fly. The fact that you closed it when you did was also professional as it was no longer heading in a positive direction and had nothing further to add. Thank You.

POLICE: I find it odd that a new poster, who joined less than 24 hours ago, has soo much insight into Dr Cole, this forum, hair transplant related info and genreal knowledge. I think you are a shill or Cole rep and if you think Cole pioneered FUE then you clearly have been drinking from the Cool Aid or are just getting a salary from Cole.

"Dr. Cole is considered to be the pioneer of FIT or FUE or however you want to call it, in US and Europe. He is the rightful leader on that technique "

Who considers Cole to be the pioneer of FUE? Not me! Woods has been doing it for 15 years, Dr Orentreich did biopsy punching back in the 70's and 80's too. Feller was doing FUE in the US before Cole even knew what it was as was Dr Jones in Canada. The only ting Cole is "leader of" is the people he employs, like you.

"They are now on their own and we wish them good luck."

Who the hell are "we"?


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Gardener, thanks for the freedom of speech. I am pretty sure that the locked thread would have been deleted in HLH, Hairsite or any other site.


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“We†is undoubtedly a trick to make it seem like the collective thought and/or Police and Looking are the same poster.

Why did “Delusionally Lookinggood†respond to my post and instigate an altercation with me when my post was to John Cole? He has done this with many others posters as well? Is that not suspect? Then he cries like a little girl when I respond fervently about my position and my friends botched procedure by DR. JOHN COLE.

Why does “Delusionally Lookinggood†tell the Senior member of the Fruit punch drinkers his grafts are growing in etc…? Do we have to view their repulsive love connection? Ever heard of IM…or maybe getting a room…yet another example of Idol Worship to “Delusionally Lookinggood’s†cult leader. Maybe “Delusionally Lookinggood†can call him “Kitâ€â€¦.now, it’s very clear why you chose Hasselhoff’s picture. I’m sure your room is covered with it. Mom must have helped.

I realize you “Delusionally Lookinggood†AKA (Head cheerleader of the Fruit Punch brigade) believe this is a conspiracy against John Cole but would you ever what to know if there was a real botched job? Would you really want to know or are you that brainwashed walking around with blinders on until you see Thomas.

By the way, I didn’t think it was possible for you to show you intelligence or lack there of… but It didn’t take a quantum leap to know I was referring to Protoplasm of the brain. Protoplasm is the living substance inside the cell. At the simplest level, it is divisible into cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. Nice try, Monkey boy. I’m flattered you asked mom to get out the encyclopedia and read to you but try to remember the differences next time.

When you respond whining about my post remember, you, responded to my post to your master (John Cole)....and not you.

Say hi to Kit.


Still Looking has 13 posts on here, all are regarding AHI or Cole, and they're very related subjects.

Lookinggood has way more posts than that and has been here a lot longer and posted on far more subjects than just Cole.

Still Looking, keep looking. Maybe one day you'll be Looking Good.


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The Gardener wrote:

>>>…the wide range of opinion that is expressed, uncensored, indicates a fairly liberal and free speech. Note that even on this thread, I didn't delete anything…

>>>…this forum is, well, a forum, which by definition means that people will sometimes express opposing opinions….

Gardener, I am very impressed with your thoughtful reply, and your openness in NOT deleting the posts in the original thread. As mentioned, other sites may not be as liberal. Kudos!

>>>…will not reveal the IP of them, or ANY poster here to you publically as it is a violation of their privacy….

Nicely done. It shows much respect to NOT reveal that, and I’m glad you let us know the pertinent info without compromising privacy.

Techprof, I like your style and demeaner.

Balloonman, I can’t really take credit if my post seemed astute, considering that the info really came from other knowledgeable fellas (such as yourself) on various forums. Just some notable variables to consider when researching, I guess. (A little summary for the many lurkers.)

Regarding TheFittest… or other outspoken posters that may arguably (LOL) be perceived as biased… (Some of) the discourse that they illicit has actually been insightful and useful.

I hope it’s not inappropriate to copy/paste the jist from another site (if so, my apologies to The Gardener and any mod that may read this), yet here’s some words from TheFittest, that might be applicable to the original locked Cole Thread:

“…the concepts and realities of hair transplant are surprisingly complex. And when a discussion is genuinely complex, the parties involved are (understandably) apt to lose sight of all the facts, because there are so many, and these so often contradictory……words are easy, facts are hard. It's too often the brightest guys who think they can "figure out" hair transplant pre-operatively. They feel: if only I am completely rational about this, and investigate in a totally thorough manner, I'll be able to really understand what my outcome is likely to be…But this is delusion…When one is dealing with a bunch of very variable facts -- like hair-characteristics, surgeon skills, family histories -- it will be difficult to be "rational" in any significant sense of that word. Why? because the data is all over the place. Individuals are unique; outcomes are notoriously variable….â€

Lastly, I gotta add that there’s been some real comedy on this site, along with some serious knowledge.

Good stuff.


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Please. Your ignorance is hysterical. I wasn't even speaking with you? Are you starving for attention or defending a fellow parishioner? Let me make sure I understand. If I share facts that REALLY happened to a very close friend…and it just so happened to be about your cult leader (John Cole)…ergo, it’ not credible and OF COURSE, a conspiracy. I understand now, if I said a LIE like “he’s the best, praise him, undoubtedly part of your daily mantra†I would have been accepted with open arms, right?

The last post to your fellow Fruit Punch drinker “Delusionlly Lookinggood†was asking logical questions that prove people like you and him have an agenda. I have been reading for a long time and KNOW many posters can’t stand you guys for your blind loyalty and clear conflict of interest. I realize you are myopic as the rest of your flock but I wasn’t defending any particular clinic whatsoever. I just stated factual data I discovered in my research. I still have not had work done so there is absolutely no agenda here. Again, do you not want the truth told? How ridiculous is that? I chimed in because of the LIES and because I saw with my own eyes what happened to my friend.

It’s people like you and “Delusionlly Lookinggood†that confuse the REAL people in search of help. I wanted to know everything about a particular doctor that I was considering wouldn’t you? Obviously not! It just so happens that John Cole has many issues with his respective DPR (Department of Professional Regulation) but does that matter? Do you even know what that is? Neither did my friend until after he was slaughtered. Shouldn’t these doctors be accountable for their actions? I can’t tell you how many people have emailed me personally to thank me for being bold enough to stand up for the truth amongst the lies. Is the money or free grafts worth steering innocent people in the wrong direction?

I’m aware with a comb over like yours, you probably can’t see very well so I will point something out, try to pay attention. There are many posters all over the net that are extremely knowledgeable and REALLY trying to help people without an agenda. Once they say who their last procedure was with or that they are happy with a particular office, does that mean they are dishonest and a salesperson? I would appreciate any information (good or bad) about a doctor regardless if it was one I worshipped or not. Why can’t you be objective, not skew people and stand for the truth instead of a certain Doctor?

Longevity on any forum doesn’t give you creditability whatsoever if your sole purpose is to patrol them so nothing is said about your worship leader. A perfect example is when “Delusionlly Lookinggood†tells Cole’s tech (so all could see) flattering things about Cole. I can’t tell you how many people on the forums have contacted me LAUGHING about you and your fellow fruit punch parishioners. Do you really think the forum readers are that dumb? With as many posts as you have, maybe you should get a "real" respectable job instead of being on Cole’s payroll as you live on the forums? Isn't that interesting, you are Cole's patrol.

By your convoluted logic, if you post a lot about worth less garbage or just useless pontification it makes you credible? Do you guys ever want to know about things when they really go wrong? Even if they happen to be about your favorite minister of lies. Your bias discredits you entirely as I am trying to find the best clinic without leaving the country, if possible.

By the way, get a hairstyle, Shaggy


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First of all, I am disappointed that the thread took this turn. I'm glad that some things got exposed about the hair transplant world, but the personal attacks from all sides reveals a rotten truth about this industry.

Haircut, good post. I don't know if you'll get the answers to those questions, but the fact that you're asking them is the important thing.

Gardener, I liked this forum quite a bit for the very reasons that were mentioned before- there was little restriction on speech, and less shilling here than on other sites. I think recent trends have changed the tone of the site though and that's unfortunate.

Balloonman, we are all biased. You, me Fittest. I don't agree w/ everything you say, but your posts have helped me on other occasions. Same w/ the Fittest. But to say his insights are useless is simply not accurate... he's been helpful to a lot of posters.

And FUE prices have been dropping. Will they get down to the price of strip? No, as it's much more labor intensive. But Cole and Wolf are down to 7-8 per graft, Umar is down to 5. Prices were in the 10-12 range a year or two ago. I don't think it's unreasonable to see others get that price down to 5 or 6 per graft as competition goes up and the speed of extraction increases.

Edit: syntax


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Good post. Do you or anyone else reading think there is a limit to the extractions as to enough blood flow? It has always been a concern…what is too much to pull? Are the massive 7,000 grafts risking blood flow and pushing the envelope? The docs in this industry are going to have a biased opinion. The general surgeons I have spoken with have agreed that it may be an issue but would be subject to each individual.



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“We†is undoubtedly a trick to make it seem like the collective thought and/or Police and Looking are the same poster.

Why did “Delusionally Lookinggood†respond to my post and instigate an altercation with me when my post was to John Cole? He has done this with many others posters as well? Is that not suspect? Then he cries like a little girl when I respond fervently about my position and my friends botched procedure by DR. JOHN COLE.

Why does “Delusionally Lookinggood†tell the Senior member of the Fruit punch drinkers his grafts are growing in etc…? Do we have to view their repulsive love connection? Ever heard of IM…or maybe getting a room…yet another example of Idol Worship to “Delusionally Lookinggood’s†cult leader. Maybe “Delusionally Lookinggood†can call him “Kitâ€â€¦.now, it’s very clear why you chose Hasselhoff’s picture. I’m sure your room is covered with it. Mom must have helped.

I realize you “Delusionally Lookinggood†AKA (Head cheerleader of the Fruit Punch brigade) believe this is a conspiracy against John Cole but would you ever what to know if there was a real botched job? Would you really want to know or are you that brainwashed walking around with blinders on until you see Thomas.

By the way, I didn’t think it was possible for you to show you intelligence or lack there of… but It didn’t take a quantum leap to know I was referring to Protoplasm of the brain. Protoplasm is the living substance inside the cell. At the simplest level, it is divisible into cytoplasm and nucleoplasm. Nice try, Monkey boy. I’m flattered you asked mom to get out the encyclopedia and read to you but try to remember the differences next time.

When you respond whining about my post remember, you, responded to my post to your master (John Cole)....and not you.

Say hi to Kit.

As stated earlier you are a schill. Get a life. Really, what kind of man are you? You continue to beleaguer this point after the thread was locked. I am over it. What is your agenda here? What are u trying to gain? YOu sound very immature. Move on already. I really question your manhood here.


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Please. Your ignorance is hysterical. I wasn't even speaking with you? Are you starving for attention or defending a fellow parishioner? Let me make sure I understand. If I share facts that REALLY happened to a very close friend…and it just so happened to be about your cult leader (John Cole)…ergo, it’ not credible and OF COURSE, a conspiracy. I understand now, if I said a LIE like “he’s the best, praise him, undoubtedly part of your daily mantra†I would have been accepted with open arms, right?

The last post to your fellow Fruit Punch drinker “Delusionlly Lookinggood†was asking logical questions that prove people like you and him have an agenda. I have been reading for a long time and KNOW many posters can’t stand you guys for your blind loyalty and clear conflict of interest. I realize you are myopic as the rest of your flock but I wasn’t defending any particular clinic whatsoever. I just stated factual data I discovered in my research. I still have not had work done so there is absolutely no agenda here. Again, do you not want the truth told? How ridiculous is that? I chimed in because of the LIES and because I saw with my own eyes what happened to my friend.

It’s people like you and “Delusionlly Lookinggood†that confuse the REAL people in search of help. I wanted to know everything about a particular doctor that I was considering wouldn’t you? Obviously not! It just so happens that John Cole has many issues with his respective DPR (Department of Professional Regulation) but does that matter? Do you even know what that is? Neither did my friend until after he was slaughtered. Shouldn’t these doctors be accountable for their actions? I can’t tell you how many people have emailed me personally to thank me for being bold enough to stand up for the truth amongst the lies. Is the money or free grafts worth steering innocent people in the wrong direction?

I’m aware with a comb over like yours, you probably can’t see very well so I will point something out, try to pay attention. There are many posters all over the net that are extremely knowledgeable and REALLY trying to help people without an agenda. Once they say who their last procedure was with or that they are happy with a particular office, does that mean they are dishonest and a salesperson? I would appreciate any information (good or bad) about a doctor regardless if it was one I worshipped or not. Why can’t you be objective, not skew people and stand for the truth instead of a certain Doctor?

Longevity on any forum doesn’t give you creditability whatsoever if your sole purpose is to patrol them so nothing is said about your worship leader. A perfect example is when “Delusionlly Lookinggood†tells Cole’s tech (so all could see) flattering things about Cole. I can’t tell you how many people on the forums have contacted me LAUGHING about you and your fellow fruit punch parishioners. Do you really think the forum readers are that dumb? With as many posts as you have, maybe you should get a "real" respectable job instead of being on Cole’s payroll as you live on the forums? Isn't that interesting, you are Cole's patrol.

By your convoluted logic, if you post a lot about worth less garbage or just useless pontification it makes you credible? Do you guys ever want to know about things when they really go wrong? Even if they happen to be about your favorite minister of lies. Your bias discredits you entirely as I am trying to find the best clinic without leaving the country, if possible.

By the way, get a hairstyle, Shaggy

You are clearly here to stir up sh*t. YOu should be banned. You have no credibility along with Baloonman....a noted internet cowboy on these forums. Jayman and I converse and argure over a wide range of topics and in the end we respect each others opinions. You need to take a page out of this chapter and learn it. It might do you well.


Looking Good,

Lol @ Still Looking calling me a Cole cheerleader. I've never even had a hair transplant nor have I ever spoken wtih any hair transplant surgeon regarding a transplant.

Lol@ him saying I have a combover? That's the second person to accuse me of doing a combover.

I can't believe he brought up my combover. I am so embarrassed:

Gosh, do you think anyone else can notice?

It's clear this guy doesn't know a thing about me when he's talking about my combover and my clear conflicts of interest. No, that's bullshit. I care about helping balding guys out, PERIOD. I've been accused of having conflicts of interest by recommending Avodart, Propecia, christ even GENERIC rogaine. I get no money for recommending any of these regardless of where the patients buy them from.

As for me having blind loyaly to Cole, here's what I say, smartass. SEARCH MY POSTS ON HERE FOR ANY MENTION OF COLE BEFORE LAST WEEK. YOU WILL NOT FIND IT. I only mentioned him to rebut some of the very suspicious posters and postings that appeared on here recently. Don't you think if I was on his payroll that I would have mentioned him before now? I mean I've been on the forums for 5 months now, so I'm either a really bad Cole employee or you're full of sh*t. Hint: It's the latter.

What a dumbass.


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Jayman AKA Shaggy,

Let’s look at the facts.

You have been on this forum for five months and have close to 3,000 posts…Wow! If 20 posts a day isn’t screaming “agendaâ€, “shillâ€, “get a lifeâ€, “a real job†or “get a girlfriendâ€, what does. It’s you that’s now the exposed no life dumbass.

The name Shaggy come from Scobby Doo…You could be his stunt double with that hair.

Thanks for the pictures, you made my point for me. Must have touched a nerve.


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Delusionally Lookinggood,

Were you not breast feed or something? I was responding to Daveone, Haircut-100 and the Moderator commenting on their good unbiased posts, unlike yours.

Why are you asking about my manhood? Sorry not your kind, I am happily married to a woman.

AAAAAAAnd you are the king of credibility right? Admittedly, you had work done with Cole AKA “Pastor of the Fruit Punch Church†which is evidenced by your online love affair and contrived show with his tech. Why did we have to witness that clear promotion to a slaughter house and repulsive exchange?

If anyone needs to be banned it’s salespeople for hire or on the payroll. It’s guys like you that maliciously steered my friend to Cole for the slaughter. It changed his whole life for the worse and has become truly a bitter man because of that incident. But you don’t care about people lives being ruined …just keep posting your misleading salespitch, it will catch up with you. Just wait.

By the way “Shill†is how you spell it not “Schillâ€. Ask mommy to look it up for you next time….after all you have to learn how to spell your name.


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Jayman AKA Shaggy,

Let’s look at the facts.

You have been on this forum for five months and have close to 3,000 posts…Wow! If 20 posts a day isn’t screaming “agendaâ€, “shillâ€, “get a lifeâ€, “a real job†or “get a girlfriendâ€, what does. It’s you that’s now the exposed no life dumbass.

The name Shaggy come from Scobby Doo…You could be his stunt double with that hair.

Thanks for the pictures, you made my point for me. Must have touched a nerve.

Hey still looking for trouble;

How are you contributing to this thread? Really? What makes you so unique? Why do you continue to harass posters in the majority of your posts? YOU HAVE THE AGENDA AND IT"S NOT HIDDEN ANYMORE. Again,
what kind of man are you? Certainly not standup!

As for the accusation of steering your friend, that's a bit of a stretch. If he is a man and he has a brain he should be able to make his own decisions. I wont even touch the rest of you trash.


Yes I really made your point for you by showing my extreme combover. You're such a tool who has no clue what he's talking about. I have way too much hair to combover.


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JayMan said:
Yes I really made your point for you by showing my extreme combover. You're such a tool who has no clue what he's talking about. I have way too much hair to combover.

Dude that Avodart change really helped you. I remember earlier pics. The crown looks great too. Good call on ur end. Sometimes it's luck when coming to the right regimen but hey I'll take it!

I would only change over to dutasteride if I realized that finasteride isnt effective anymore so I will stay with the "not broke dont fix" MO.

Nice combover, rudy Guiliani has nothing on you!!!!!!!!!
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