Those with breakouts on finasteride


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Merck finasteride...There not break outs though. Once in awhile I get 2 or 3 zits at a time.
Not like I become a pizza face or anything


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search and ye shall find lots of threads about this!


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I know there have been lots of threads. Basically I recently had a brief switch between generic and Merck finasteride and experienced a weird sort of breakout. Now, the reality is all adults have occasional breakouts and (as is the case for many other ailments) finasteride users blaim it on the medication. I am tryinng to see if there is an association between generic finasteride use and breakouts.


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Johnny24601 said:
I know there have been lots of threads. Basically I recently had a brief switch between generic and Merck finasteride and experienced a weird sort of breakout. Now, the reality is all adults have occasional breakouts and (as is the case for many other ailments) finasteride users blaim it on the medication. I am tryinng to see if there is an association between generic finasteride use and breakouts.

finasteride gets blamed for alot of stuff. Poor finasteride.. for something that works so well for some people, there are alot of thrill-killers ready to shoot it down faster than anything else.


Well Ive only been on finasteride for 2 weeks now and Im already starting to breakout. I noticed on that retin A cream was originally intended for acne - has anyone used it on pimples, and if so did it work?