Those terminal hairs


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On month five now of the big 3. Now noticing loads of vellus hairs and some vellus starting to turn terminal along the hairline. Was practically bald on the temples. now the hair turning terminal seem to be the last few i thought i had lost for good. Even the odd sporadically placed hairs closer to my original hair line that hung in there are back.
Basically seems like watching my hair loss over the past 5 years in verse at a faster rate.
Even the hair line around the temples are growing back same way they receded. The left is more of a v shape, while the hairline round the right temple goes straight back.

Curious if many others have noticed this with their success? And did it continue till you had a healthy hairline back?



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It starts off strong, but alot stay vellus or barely terminal until the end of time. It's a slow battle, but it IS progressing positively for me to this day.


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i just added nizoral and got serious with minoxidil in the last month, so it is too early for me to say now. I'll be very amazed if I regrow hair on the slick areas that were bald for over 4 years. How long were yours bald?


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it's been about 2 months now for me since i started finasteride, nizoral and scalp exercises and hair loss seems to have stopped/slowed down, hair's in much greater shape, etc. i give the scalp exercises credit for this too since they have been a constant supply of extra blood to my scalp (since i do quite a lot of it throughout the day) which has been proven to prevent hair loss.


MPBWarrior said:
which has been proven to prevent hair loss.

hey male pattern baldness i've asked you about this in two diff threads. can you cite a source proving scalp exercises prevent hair loss?


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Mine were bald from the age of 16 to 18. And then I started treatment. So technically they've been at least partially bald for the last 5-6 years almost.


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JayMan said:
MPBWarrior said:
which has been proven to prevent hair loss.

hey male pattern baldness i've asked you about this in two diff threads. can you cite a source proving scalp exercises prevent hair loss?

He is speaking about Go to the my method section. I believe that is what its called. That is a very good site ithink. It also has a forum but not as good as this. I also do the scalp exercises now and then when i have time. I think its definately a good idea. Learning to gain control of the muscles may take time though for many people.


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JayMan said:
MPBWarrior said:
which has been proven to prevent hair loss.

hey male pattern baldness i've asked you about this in two diff threads. can you cite a source proving scalp exercises prevent hair loss?

He is speaking about Make sure you enter the dash in between. Go to the my method/approach section. I believe that is what its called. That is a very good site ithink. It also has a forum but not as good as this. I also do the scalp exercises now and then when i have time. I think its definately a good idea. Learning to gain control of the muscles may take time though for many people.


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after discovering minoxidil, they tried other drugs that dialate blood vessels. They did not grow hair. Maybe they had a chemical process that countered the increased blood flow to give a neutral result, but the conclusion drawn by scientists was that minoxidil regrows hair by a method other than increased blood flow. That would hint that scalp exercises won't grow any hair. Make sure you don't get any motion wrinkles on your scalp by using those muscles. Motion wrinkles only look good on your belly. Also, make sure you don't get any tension hair loss. i'd rather spend my time doing PC clamps before i'd spend time on any scalp exercises, unless I see some proof.


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good news....Harry06...continue with it and keep us updated with progress...Good Luck


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Thanks for the reply lads.


It's a slow battle, but it IS progressing positively for me to this day.

Wondering how long you been on ur regimen, guessing its the big 3. the vellus hairs that turned terminal, did they gradual darken and darken.


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How long were yours bald?

25 now. Where my vellus hair are starting to turn terminal, been bald 5+ years. Originally used rogaine for 12 months, when i was 21, all it did was grow peach fuzz. Not one had the slightness bit of pigment. didnt grow any longer or anymore after 3 months.

April 06, restarted the fight with the big 3, same results initially, but now noticing a good few darken, if only slightly. though i did only cop on couple months ago, i was only using 2% rogaine.


good news....Harry06...continue with it and keep us updated with progress...Good Luck

Cheers for the encouragement. Will do



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Just Propecia. That's my regimen, pop the pill and be done with it. They're still gradually getting darker along my left temple especially, but it's still painfully slow. However, you can tell that it's gonna be a decent (not perfect) hairline when it's done. I'm okay with my right temple at this point, it won't get much better. I'm sitting at somewhere before the NW2 on the scale, my front is nowhere near that pronounced.


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As an aside, I checked my hairline in the shower, and most of why it looks so terrible is that alot of the hairs surrounding my hairline are finer and/or shorter, so when it's pulled back, some of them stick out instead of falling back with the rest. Also, there is a great amount of very visible and 1cm long hairs along the left temple that, once filled in, will make quite an acceptable NW1.5ish hairline. Very exciting stuff.