This Whole Hair Loss Thing Really Sucks


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The title says it all. I'm currently 22 and for about a year and a half now I've really noticed my hair line starting to recede. I've had a widows peak my whole life and was fine with it but ever since I've gone to college it's gotten noticeably worse. I simply can't stand it, it makes me so self conscious it's sickening. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about it and then the more I think about it, I just wind up getting pissed off and it ruins any motivation I had. It's like an endless cycle. Unfortunately my father is bald,he's about an nw5 somewhere in that range. Weird thing is that he didn't start receding/ thinning untill his late 30s/early40s. So I don't understand why I'm getting hosed at only 22.
I took finasteride for a couple months and then I used minoxidil (equate 5% liquid 2x/day) for probably about a month-ish. I was starting to notice peach fuzz along my temples but the minoxidil was causing me to have some awful dandruff and on top of that it made my hair greasy and nasty looking everyday, not cool, so obviously I stopped using it. I also stopped finasteride the same time as minoxidil.
Now I'm at the point where I just dwell on my shitty hair every day and to be honest it is really bringing me down. I have no desire or confidence to go and talk to women cause in my head I feel like I look like a complete moron. And at my age I don't know what woman is gonna want a dude who looks like he'll be bald in 5 years. It just totally sucks and pisses me off. And I can't stand when people just say "oh buzz it off". Ya know it's a lot easier said than done. To be honest I don't want to buzz my hair, I look like an idiot with a buzz cut. I want my hair, I look better with it.
Thank you to whoever read this since I went on a bit of a rant. It's just frustrating and I'm hoping someone could relate to me. I mean is there anything I can do? Is minoxidil and finasteride really the only options? Could I just use minoxidil 1x per day, maybe in the night time so I don't have to deal with that greasy look all day.
I posted some pics of my hair below for a visual. I usually keep my hair about this length and pushed forward as much as possible to hide my hairline, that's about the best hair style I can come up with( the first 2). Then there's the rest.
Any input is appreciated because I just feel like I'm at rock bottom.
Thanks again.


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why did you stop taking finasteride?
To be honest I just got sick of taking it. I didn't feel like it was doing anything for me. I think the most of my results were from the minoxidil. So when I stopped the minoxidil I sort of said the hell with all of it.


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To be honest I just got sick of taking it. I didn't feel like it was doing anything for me. I think the most of my results were from the minoxidil. So when I stopped the minoxidil I sort of said the hell with all of it.
you are not going to see any gains from finasteride in just a couple of months. It just does not work like that. Even if you had heaps of regrowth is just could not have grown to a length that would have made it discernible in two months. I would reconsider taking it and re-evaluate after 2 years.


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You made a huge mistake giving up finasteride based on the fact that you didn't see results in a short period of time. Finasteride is well studied and proven to stop/heavily slow hairloss in the vast majority of men (I am talking high 90s percentage). If you take it for the foreseeable future there is a good chance your hairloss will be stopped in it's tracks and you will probably keep what you have for the next decade. You need to be realistic about it though... there is no drug that grows hair instantly. Finasteride will stop the miniaturization process on your weakening hairs and they will regrow stronger. Minoxidil will stimulate hair growth and together they will help you keep what you have.

You need to be on finasteride for at least 6-12 months to even ascertain how it's working for you. You say you're sick of taking it, yet you're clearly sick of being depressed and unmotivated because of your hair loss. What would you rather, take a cheap pill daily or be depressed and increasingly self conscious as your hair progressively gets worse?

Personally I'd rather take the preventative measure. If you're really lucky, you may be in the 68% of people who actually regrow recently lost hair on finasteride too.

In short, get on finasteride again. Give up minoxidil if you can't stand it. And enjoy the confidence of knowing you're doing what you can. With any luck in the next 10 years they'll have a better solution and you'll be glad you decided to try to salvage this instead of just going 'hell with it' and getting on a hairloss forum to complain about how it sucks. Thank me in 5 years.