this makes no sense


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ok well first off my hair is definitally thinning. i can notice that my temples have recieded... i also have the startings of a bald spot (or what appears to be one because of my cowlick). The hair on top of my head also seems to be a lot thinner all over. (I think i may actually be a diffuse thinner but thats not the point of this post)

the point of this post is i dont know where all the hair is going. throughout the day i notice loosing about 20 hairs... mostly comming from the front of my head. When i wake up in the morning there is rarely hairs on my pillow... and if there is there aren't many. When i run my hands though my hair i typically get 2 hairs per time... sometimes none... rarely more. In the shower when i shampoo i notice a few more hairs in my hand.

My question is where could all my hair be goin? i have definitally noticed a change in the past few months. I don't really expect an answer... im sort of just venting. going bald without noticing the hairs falling out is extreemly annoying


Established Member
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2 hairs here or there... thats all it takes.

Whether you notice it or not


Established Member
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its not how much u are losing..its more how much u are growing back..i guess its not growing back

not me!

Experienced Member
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I proceeded to a Norwood IV by the time I was 25 and I never noticed any hairs. Not on my pillow, no more than normal in my shower, no more than normal in my brush or comg.