this is frustrating - rant here


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ugh..I have this little streak of less hair right in the center of the rear crown...

Why is this more frustrating than the rest?, it is the exact place where extra minoxidil would run-off. It just gets me thinking that my rapid progression is self-induced..

i know, I know - I must have noticed something to trigger me to start using this....its just a bit depressing.

Some support?!?!?!?

The Gardener

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Well, for starters, perhaps you are examining your hair for results too closely too often? As they say, a watched pot never boils!

Of course, that is a ludicrous thing for me to say. Us folk, myself included, examine our hair to the point of insanity every day I am guessing. Every morning I wake up, and look into the mirror thinking and hoping please please please may today be the day that the sh*t kicks in and I find the David Schwimmer hairline looking back at me....

But no, not today. Just another aerial view of Cape Kevin Costner, just north of the eyebrow archipelagos, in all its thinning glory... damn!


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Quite right, Redbone but this is something I think alot of people tend to ignore in this forum. Just cuz we have a little less hair dont make us completely undesirable for tha ladies. I mean take these well-known celebs for example. They all have some degree of baldness and ta ladies love em:

Kevin Costner
Jack Nicholson
Bruce Willis
Patrick Stewert
Stephen Dorff
Jude Law
Robbie Williams
Mel Gibson
Michael Keaton
Sean Connery
Brad Renfro
Andy Garcia

Our hair aint the be all and end all, folks.


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if Robbie Williams is losing his hair then every guy over 18 is balding too.
theres a bunch of crazy balding guys out there that think that unless you hairline starts at you eyebrows your losing it

so guys if you not from the planet of the apes you bald


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Well actually, smartass, Robbie Williams is a self confessed hair loss sufferer. At the end of his first album, he resites a rather personal poem about himself which includes the line "my receding hair". It is true too. Over the last 7 years or so, Robbies hairline HAS slowly but surly receded. Compare a pic of him now and him in 1996/7.


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fyi, most women do not find Jack Nicholson attractive. He's one weathered mofo..

I like lists of balding celebs that are considered attracitve.. Makes me feel better. A few more for your list,. Nick Cage, Joe Rogan (Fear Factor, The Man Show), Jason Statham (Italian Job, The Transporter). All heavy receeders, both Nick Cage and Joe Rogan seem to have lost their apex, which I believe is the most crucial point for a receeder. Cage has fixed this via transplants, while Rogan combs his hair forward. I think theres something very critical about hair on the apex; having even just a little in front, even with massive receeding, can still project a sense of youthfullness.

But more then movie stars, I like lists of balding rock stars, 'cuz I'm a musician. ;) Off the top of my head, Maynard from Tool and Dave Mathews, both excelent musicians losing their hair, both getting all the chicks they want. :D


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donald trumps hair looks so wierd , but I saw him on a late show last week and the host commented on it and he pulled on it and held it back for all to see, he must of had a hair transplant


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Not really. Most women dont plan on actually hooking up with these celebs. They just like to pin them on their wall. So its not just about the money theyre makin.

Heres a few more:

Heath Ledger-This guys hairline is retreating faster than the Germans did out of the Western Front in 1917. Yet, he's most women's No 1 dream guy.

Enrique- Hard to spot as he usually wears a hat but if you catch him without it, you'll notice his mini-combover is no match for his majorly receding hairline. But still, he's right up there with the ladies.

Ronan Keating. Diddo for him.

I really cant stress this fact enough- Hair is'nt everything. If you're lucky enough to have a handsome face or even if your just semi-good looking, USE IT! Dont waste any time. You'll be old before you know it so use it while you got it.


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I completely agree, and fantastic point. Right now, I feel out of shape, so I want to concentrate on getting in the gym before making my move on a chica. Sometimes if you *feel" like sh*t, you are sh*t.

BUT, one thing I wonder is whether or not girls know that these celebs are actually losing there hair, which means that they might actually be bald in 5 - 10 years. I won't date a fat chic if she's going to weigh 200 lbs in 5 years, and her mother is the only sign of that.
