This a good signof hair loss?


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i didn't think so, in that area anyways. my receding hairline is, however getting really bad and thinning, and seems to be going up into a U shape. i seen pics and it seems to have gotten worst since November, but i cant really tell to what extent. and i cant tell if its getting bad or if its just maturing.

but here is what i have noticed in past month

large increase is dandruff (or dead skin maybe?)
Itchy head
What appears to be thinning on the hairline
And the thin hairs on my hairline seems to be curlier than normal, & really thin.
if i rub my head by a piece of white paper i will get about 10 hairs to fall out onto paper.
hair seems a lot harder to style now.

are these signs of hairloss?


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Thanks for the interest, These are some pics i took earlier today, notice the dandruff, thinning, and just crappy texture.




This picture was taken one year ago when i was 19, im 20 now


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I feel the need to respond to Mr Pepper because of our similarities.

I don't want to alarm you, but your hair and head look exactly like mine and that's no word of a lie. When I say look the same, I mean shape of head, color of hair, texture, style, temples, and density*. Damn even the direction of your hair is the same (cowlick and all).

In fact I myself am a little alarmed, who are you my twin?

*denotes: I have since lost much more density than where you are at right now but looking back at photos of myself just over a year ago I was at your stage, a spitting image there of.

I thought nothing of my state of hair when I was at your stage just over a year ago other than my hairline/temples had matured slightly for my age (24, going on 25). This was of course until my barber rose the question, "Has your hair always been this thin on top?".

Approximately one month after that ill-fated question, I began to worry and behold, hair loss ensued, slowly then moderately and now rapidly all in the space of one year.

I also know what you are talking about when you say that your hair is harder to style, or your head is itchy or you can at least get ten hairs to fall from your head without great effort. This is how it starts.

You need to take some preventative measures. I kid you not. I am confident in putting any money that your frontal area between your temple and the center of your head will be the first to get hit hard.


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So said:
I feel the need to respond to Mr Pepper because of our similarities.

I don't want to alarm you, but your hair and head look exactly like mine and that's no word of a lie. When I say look the same, I mean shape of head, color of hair, texture, style, temples, and density*. Damn even the direction of your hair is the same (cowlick and all).

In fact I myself am a little alarmed, who are you my twin?

*denotes: I have since lost much more density than where you are at right now but looking back at photos of myself just over a year ago I was at your stage, a spitting image there of.

I thought nothing of my state of hair when I was at your stage just over a year ago other than my hairline/temples had matured slightly for my age (24, going on 25). This was of course until my barber rose the question, "Has your hair always been this thin on top?".

Approximately one month after that ill-fated question, I began to worry and behold, hair loss ensued, slowly then moderately and now rapidly all in the space of one year.

I also know what you are talking about when you say that your hair is harder to style, or your head is itchy or you can at least get ten hairs to fall from your head without great effort. This is how it starts.

You need to take some preventative measures. I kid you not. I am confident in putting any money that your frontal area between your temple and the center of your head will be the first to get hit hard.

Wow, thanks for scaring the living sh*t out of me!
I probably wont sleep for a week now.

dang this sucks, because i could very well be heading in your direction, fast, because i was fine just a month ago. its all happening so fast.
How bad is your hair, really? when did you start treating it? what did you use?

And do you lift weights at all? i been serious weight training for a year now and i think it has increased it dramatically since then.

i really appreciate your reply though, and letting me know your situation.


Experienced Member
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your vertex is fine...your hairline on the other first i thought you just had a recessed looking hair line...lots of people do, doesnt mean your going bald..but in the pic from a year ago, it appears your hairline has changed a looks completely different. you might wanna do something to prevent anymore recession


Experienced Member
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BrianPeppers said:
And do you lift weights at all? i been serious weight training for a year now and i think it has increased it dramatically since then.

Thats interesting. Thats how mine started too.


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JayB said:
your vertex is fine...your hairline on the other first i thought you just had a recessed looking hair line...lots of people do, doesnt mean your going bald..but in the pic from a year ago, it appears your hairline has changed a looks completely different. you might wanna do something to prevent anymore recession

yup, i just took this picture, check it out




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BrianPeppers said:
Wow, thanks for scaring the living $#iT out of me!
I probably wont sleep for a week now.

dang this sucks, because i could very well be heading in your direction, fast, because i was fine just a month ago. its all happening so fast.
How bad is your hair, really? when did you start treating it? what did you use?

And do you lift weights at all? i been serious weight training for a year now and i think it has increased it dramatically since then.

i really appreciate your reply though, and letting me know your situation.

Ok, that last picture you posted is virtually identical to my hair one year ago. Your similarity in hair really does buzz me out man but to answer your questions...

My hair is pretty bad now. The definition by which is that I shed a profuse amount of hair effortlessly. Another month or two at this current rate and my hair will be unmanageable. I can just pull off a reasonable hair style now, just! But even "reasonable" still looks sh!t to me.

I started official treatment nine months ago by beginning the use of Propecia and have completed eight months worth in total with a one month break.

I first learned there may be a problem is January 2005 and it took at least two or three months before it become "really" apparent under close scrutiny to myself alone. I dabbled with vitamins, minerals and fish oil before taking the plunge into Propecia.

I can not say whether or not taking Propecia was the right or wrong thing to do but I have had many a doubt of it's effectiveness and have even thought on more than one occasion that Propecia is the reason for my accelerated loss. Be aware though that this is speculation on my part and I am therefore not trying to influence you against taking Propecia.

Weights? Yep, I train about five or six days per week however I keep my sessions condensed to one hour or one and a half hours maximum. It gives me the perfect physique that I want, lean, cut, ripped. Keep in mind I also do cardio within my session which is usually 5km or 10km on the bike to help lower testosterone, if at all.

I currently use Propecia, Nizoral and Apple Poly (just started). I plan to also try SeaBuckThorn soap as an experiment.

If I were you all over again I would start with Apple Poly because you still have some time up your sleeve to see how it goes. I'd also begin using Nizoral right away and investigate into SeaBuckThorn. If in three months you see no improvement what so ever then hit the Propecia.

BUT, if you respond to Propecia anything like I do, then it's not a pretty picture.

Many cats no this forum will tell you it is essential to inhibit DHT. I do agree, but you do so at your own potential risk.

PS. Despite my situation, I remain optimistic.


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So said:
BrianPeppers said:
Wow, thanks for scaring the living $#iT out of me!
I probably wont sleep for a week now.

dang this sucks, because i could very well be heading in your direction, fast, because i was fine just a month ago. its all happening so fast.
How bad is your hair, really? when did you start treating it? what did you use?

And do you lift weights at all? i been serious weight training for a year now and i think it has increased it dramatically since then.

i really appreciate your reply though, and letting me know your situation.

Ok, that last picture you posted is virtually identical to my hair one year ago. Your similarity in hair really does buzz me out man but to answer your questions...

My hair is pretty bad now. The definition by which is that I shed a profuse amount of hair effortlessly. Another month or two at this current rate and my hair will be unmanageable. I can just pull off a reasonable hair style now, just! But even "reasonable" still looks sh!t to me.

I started official treatment nine months ago by beginning the use of Propecia and have completed eight months worth in total with a one month break.

I first learned there may be a problem is January 2005 and it took at least two or three months before it become "really" apparent under close scrutiny to myself alone. I dabbled with vitamins, minerals and fish oil before taking the plunge into Propecia.

I can not say whether or not taking Propecia was the right or wrong thing to do but I have had many a doubt of it's effectiveness and have even thought on more than one occasion that Propecia is the reason for my accelerated loss. Be aware though that this is speculation on my part and I am therefore not trying to influence you against taking Propecia.

Weights? Yep, I train about five or six days per week however I keep my sessions condensed to one hour or one and a half hours maximum. It gives me the perfect physique that I want, lean, cut, ripped. Keep in mind I also do cardio within my session which is usually 5km or 10km on the bike to help lower testosterone, if at all.

I currently use Propecia, Nizoral and Apple Poly (just started). I plan to also try SeaBuckThorn soap as an experiment.

If I were you all over again I would start with Apple Poly because you still have some time up your sleeve to see how it goes. I'd also begin using Nizoral right away and investigate into SeaBuckThorn. If in three months you see no improvement what so ever then hit the Propecia.

BUT, if you respond to Propecia anything like I do, then it's not a pretty picture.

Many cats no this forum will tell you it is essential to inhibit DHT. I do agree, but you do so at your own potential risk.

PS. Despite my situation, I remain optimistic.

Thanks again for the reply. I already jumped on finasteride, i don't have much money so i had to go with generic FINCAR, from india, so theres always that possibility its not even real. I finally received it few days ago and im on my 3rd day with it. My guess is you were in that 11% or so that dont respond to propeca, unfortunately. but be glad you didnt start at my age, i just turned 20 two weeks ago.

Do you have any pictures? I am very curious as to what your hair looks like. Im curious to what you look like too lol. I always wanted a brother!

BTW, does your dad have hair? how tall are you? hows your uncles on moms side of family?
Im trying to find things that we dont have in common!!! lol


Am I the only one who is thinking that Brian has obvious vertex thinning? I would go for Finasteride and Rogaine Foam asap. Good Luck!


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abcdefg said:
do you have any history of male pattern baldness?

im guessing that stand for male pattern baldness?

My mom has VERY thick hair. my dad has thin hair but he didnt have any problems with it at my age. my dad is now starting to go bald in front but hes in his early 40s, and was fine before that.

My moms three brothers are all bald, and started going bald at my age, my moms dad was bald.

My dads 4 brothers still have a lot of hair while in their 40s and 50s, except one. he went completely bald in his early 20's.

so yes, i have some uncles that are bald, and i have no brothers to look to. but my dad always had a lot of hair until his 40's.


Established Member
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BrianPeppers said:
So said:
BrianPeppers said:
Wow, thanks for scaring the living $#iT out of me!
I probably wont sleep for a week now.

dang this sucks, because i could very well be heading in your direction, fast, because i was fine just a month ago. its all happening so fast.
How bad is your hair, really? when did you start treating it? what did you use?

And do you lift weights at all? i been serious weight training for a year now and i think it has increased it dramatically since then.

i really appreciate your reply though, and letting me know your situation.

Ok, that last picture you posted is virtually identical to my hair one year ago. Your similarity in hair really does buzz me out man but to answer your questions...

My hair is pretty bad now. The definition by which is that I shed a profuse amount of hair effortlessly. Another month or two at this current rate and my hair will be unmanageable. I can just pull off a reasonable hair style now, just! But even "reasonable" still looks sh!t to me.

I started official treatment nine months ago by beginning the use of Propecia and have completed eight months worth in total with a one month break.

I first learned there may be a problem is January 2005 and it took at least two or three months before it become "really" apparent under close scrutiny to myself alone. I dabbled with vitamins, minerals and fish oil before taking the plunge into Propecia.

I can not say whether or not taking Propecia was the right or wrong thing to do but I have had many a doubt of it's effectiveness and have even thought on more than one occasion that Propecia is the reason for my accelerated loss. Be aware though that this is speculation on my part and I am therefore not trying to influence you against taking Propecia.

Weights? Yep, I train about five or six days per week however I keep my sessions condensed to one hour or one and a half hours maximum. It gives me the perfect physique that I want, lean, cut, ripped. Keep in mind I also do cardio within my session which is usually 5km or 10km on the bike to help lower testosterone, if at all.

I currently use Propecia, Nizoral and Apple Poly (just started). I plan to also try SeaBuckThorn soap as an experiment.

If I were you all over again I would start with Apple Poly because you still have some time up your sleeve to see how it goes. I'd also begin using Nizoral right away and investigate into SeaBuckThorn. If in three months you see no improvement what so ever then hit the Propecia.

BUT, if you respond to Propecia anything like I do, then it's not a pretty picture.

Many cats no this forum will tell you it is essential to inhibit DHT. I do agree, but you do so at your own potential risk.

PS. Despite my situation, I remain optimistic.

Thanks again for the reply. I already jumped on finasteride, i don't have much money so i had to go with generic FINCAR, from india, so theres always that possibility its not even real. I finally received it few days ago and im on my 3rd day with it. My guess is you were in that 11% or so that dont respond to propeca, unfortunately. but be glad you didnt start at my age, i just turned 20 two weeks ago.

Do you have any pictures? I am very curious as to what your hair looks like. Im curious to what you look like too lol. I always wanted a brother!

BTW, does your dad have hair? how tall are you? hows your uncles on moms side of family?
Im trying to find things that we dont have in common!!! lol

Dad = full head of hair! Not a strand missing.

One of my uncles is bald and that is no doubt where I got that from (mothers side).

I am not tall... Short Italian...

I'll have pictures soon as I am doing the Apple Poly test. My digital camera runs off rechargeable AA batteries and they suck (couple photos and they are drained).

I've lost the charger to my Sony DSP (lithium batteries). Hang tight!

EDIT: I'll try and dig up those older photo's though.


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So said:
Dad = full head of hair! Not a strand missing.

One of my uncles is bald and that is no doubt where I got that from (mothers side).

I am not tall... Short Italian...

I'll have pictures soon as I am doing the Apple Poly test. My digital camera runs off rechargeable AA batteries and they suck (couple photos and they are drained).

I've lost the charger to my Sony DSP (lithium batteries). Hang tight!

EDIT: I'll try and dig up those older photo's though.

YA! Get them pics ASAP!!


Senior Member
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If you have 3 bald uncles I would consider propecia. male pattern baldness can be inherited from either side. It looks like you lost a little, but you know if you have been losing hair or not. If you have seen slow steady recession then you know you what to do if you want to try to stop it.


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imo, all those who claim to be thinning on top(crown or vertex), may sometimes be wrong.

first of all, there is lighting. if you light up a single area of your head, you are bound to see a lot more scalp there than the immidiate surrounding area.

secondly, there's the issue of the swirl at the vertex. the hairs grow in every direction there and pretty much everyone has a thin spot there. even guys who have no hairloss whatsoever.

thirdly, there's the point of length of hair. the shorter your hair is, the more scalp will show. there's simply less hair to cover up the scalp.

the morale of all this, don't freak out simply because you might see scalp under certain lighting conditions.