Thinning Of The Hairs Due To Office Work?


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I am 25 years old male. Six months ago I started to work in the office (8h a day, 5 days per week). Almost immediately (I believe even in the same month) my hair loss drama has started - successively, every day I notice hairs on my hands, face, books I read, desk, pillow etc. It is hard to say how much of them fall out every day but I estimate it's about 50. That single hair has characterictic white, bulky dot at one of the end. hairs fall out from all over the head so it is not male pattern I would say. The hair line in not affected at all, they just got rare. (I have to add that I am allergic to certain things)
Until this moment I had a lot of hairs they were dense and I believe quite strong. Although I must admit from time to time I had seen 1-3 on my pillow for example, or fall out when I was brushing by hair back but let's be honest 1-3 is "acceptable" amount of hairs that fall out.
So I went throught series of steps that I thought might weaken my hairs (below they are in order as I applied them):

1. I decided to first wash my hairs less often. In older days I washed them every day so I when the problem started I thought - hmm maybe they are weak because they lack natural nutrition from the scalp and for the next week or even two I washed them every two days. Since it didn't stop hair loss, nor minimalise it I switched to opposite solution and washed them more often twice a day - again after two weeks no positive result.
Plus I imporved my diets - completely removed candies (which I loved in older days and ate a lot) while eat more healthy stuff like fish, vegatables, milk, etc.
I also do more exercises (I was very active in the past, stoped because of my studies but was able to get back in shape rather quickly) 8km of run once a week, swimimng pool once or twice a week, gym twice a week.
Suprisingly it didn't help! Hairs still fall out!
2. Next I went through series of shampoons for different hairs - greasy, dry, soft, etc - again didn't help.
3. I visited dermatologist - she tested my blood and urine - I don't recall exactly all tests but for sure my Thyroid, creatinine, TSH, glucose, are all OK. She really was unable to come up with any diagnosis at all and recoemneded we some stuff that can increase new hair grow;/
4. For a week I am on vacation, away from office - so far nothing has changed.

Right now I am seriously upset - in just 3 months I lost good 30% and I continue to lose even more ;/
The questions are:
1. What is the actual source of this issue? Symptoms are rather strange, started right after I started to work in the office, hairs fall out from whole head, not only from certain region.
2. Is it possible that the office air condition + sitting work is responsible for that damage?
3. What can I do to stop hair loss?
4. What is that "characterictic white, bulky dot" at the end of each hair. Does that hair regrow back?

Thanks in advance! ;)


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Do you have a history of male pattern baldness in your family? I am not, but I have the same problem as you. I am already lost nearly 50-60% of my density, so I can see my sсalp under the bright light. My treatment you can see in my profile. I get on it only after 6 month after agressive shedding, cause I was passing through denial phase (obviously not a good thing). I have mild seborrheic dermatitis all over the body, stomatitis and inflamed gums, my scalp sometimes itching, but not looks very inflamed I think. So I hope it's telogen effluvium due to high stress and poor diet. My diet was extremely bad since 18-19.
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office work is notorious for hair loss.


In all reality, it's 100% hereditary. Welcome to the bald club.

Your only real solution is to either take finasteride or go bald

choose your fate.


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Do you have a history of male pattern baldness in your family?
Well, on my mother side no - my grandfather has a lot of hairs at age 80, on my father side yes although not in every male. BTW, as I said I am not facing common male pattern baldness since there is no certain pattern, region of baldness like head temple or crown. What is even more curious I noticed weaker hairs even on legs!
DHTpolice: how sudden it was in your case?

office work is notorious for hair loss.

In all reality, it's 100% hereditary....

Shookwun, I also couldn't believe that this is because office work - it sounds stupid at first, but let's look at the evidences - it is no pattern baldness - hairs are weaker everywhere, even on legs! It begun right after I started to work in the office - coincidence or sth more? I also recall that at the beginning I had series of migraines (2-3 in a week!) Maybe it is not so much office work but the change in life style - sitting for hours is now my biggest activity, after work I fell sleepy and in general tired, no energy... Plus the acceleration of hair loss is to quick for being natural - if it was natural, because of aging, I imagine it would be like up to ten hairs fall out per day, over years... In my case after 2 months (or even quicker) after huge amount of hairs lost I can see my scalp - especially when they are more greasy.
Do you still think it is natural or because of heredity?


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Well, on my mother side no - my grandfather has a lot of hairs at age 80, on my father side yes although not in every male. BTW, as I said I am not facing common male pattern baldness since there is no certain pattern, region of baldness like head temple or crown. What is even more curious I noticed weaker hairs even on legs!
DHTpolice: how sudden it was in your case?

It was sudden like a storm in my case. After one or two weeks after I turned 22 my hair was too grease and unhealthy. Scalp began to itch and after a week or so I noticed a massive hair falling. On the end of each hair was white bulb (on some it looked thick an healthy on others - not so thick). Hair was everywhere. My eyebrows and eyelashes started thinning too. And yes I am pretty sure I lost some hairs on arms and legs. Body hair including beard now looks much lighter (without pigment, but earlier it was very dark) and thinner than it was 1.5 or 2 years ago. I have some symptoms of prediabetes, including extremely pale and dry skin, sudden dizzines, hunger and chronical fatigue, polyuria and polydipsia, numbness in feet and legs, so I am considering to use metformin if my supplements won't help with it.

I didn't see any changes on my hairline and temples right after that massive shedding, but after 4 or 5 month I noticed it on temples, so hairline now looks slightly curve. Maybe it's so called "mature hairline" - I don't know, but now I can't style my hair like I did before. So that is a main reason why I started use finasteride and dutasteride. I have no male pattern baldness in my family but I heard many times that insulin resistance and high blood sugar level can be a trigger. Stress also plays a big role. After my hairloss I was in deep depression so it's made my condition only worse.
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I have some symptoms of prediabetes, including extremely pale and dry skin, sudden dizzines, hunger and chronical fatigue, polyuria and polydipsia, numbness in feet and legs..
Have you tested your blood, urine, hormones etc? Sounds like there is something wrong in your body. Do you link your hair loss and maybe worse overall feeling with i.e change in life style, work etc? What does your doctor/s say?

PS: I wonder whether we are isolated in this very quick hair loss symptoms or this is common and every male loss hair is such short period of time?

Armando Jose

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3 months are moreless 100 days
If you have lost 30% of your original hair (100.000 aprox), then you must loss 300 hairs a day.
It is hard to say how much of them fall out every day but I estimate it's about 50.

Also, if you, in only 3 months, used different shampoos, change you rutin in hair whasing, diet, exercise, work, etc You must be under a great stress. Hair loss due to stress acts over all hairs, maybe can be your case.


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It was sudden like a storm in my case. After one or two weeks after I turned 22 my hair was too grease and unhealthy. Scalp began to itch and after a week or so I noticed a massive hair falling. On the end of each hair was white bulb (on some it looked thick an healthy on others - not so thick). Hair was everywhere. My eyebrows and eyelashes started thinning too. And yes I am pretty sure I lost some hairs on arms and legs. Body hair including beard now looks much lighter (without pigment, but earlier it was very dark) and thinner than it was 1.5 or 2 years ago. I have some symptoms of prediabetes, including extremely pale and dry skin, sudden dizzines, hunger and chronical fatigue, polyuria and polydipsia, numbness in feet and legs, so I am considering to use metformin if my supplements won't help with it.

Hey dhtpolice how old are you and do you think you really have prediabetes?


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3 months are moreless 100 days
If you have lost 30% of your original hair (100.000 aprox), then you must loss 300 hairs a day.

Thanks for answer.
First of all the area that is affected the most is top of the head. Using official/medical terms they are: Crown, Vertex transmision point, midscalp and forelock - I call it top of the head, and I shed hairs equally there. So I think it is not male pattern baldnes is it?
That number 100k which you brought here is probably the amount of all hairs on the head. So if we assume - top region is 50% of all hairs - then we are much closer to my number 50 hairs per day. Taking into account that every number is only an aproximation or rough guess I think I correctly described my state. But this is not that important. What really matters is why I started to shed and continue for almost 9 months now!

Also, if you, in only 3 months, used different shampoos, change you rutin in hair whasing, diet, exercise, work, etc You must be under a great stress. Hair loss due to stress acts over all hairs, maybe can be your case.

I haven't changed my work - it is not that simple and I really like my work ;) But yes I changed diet, hair washing frequency, shampoos, went back to sport, etc and there is no effect! I shed hairs constantly. I haven't even noticed any improvement.
You brought interesting point about stress. Well, I was under heavy stress + small depression maybe two years ago. It lasted for a year and gradually stopped. But the question is: is it possible that I see side effects of that now? It would be shifted in time at least by a year!?

I have companion symptoms:
- tired, sleepy right after work (I don't do anything physical in work, literally sitting for 8h )
- sweating of hands
- over sebum production (I am on vacation for 8 days now and this symptom has stopped!)

Also, telogen stage last for 1-4 months. that means everything we do for our hairs can potentially stop or limit shedding after minimum 1 month.

Armando Jose

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I visited dermatologist - she tested my blood and urine - I don't recall exactly all tests but for sure my Thyroid, creatinine, TSH, glucose, are all OK
Yo mentioned "tired", "sweating hands", but your parameters are OK, I dunno.

That single hair has characterictic white, bulky dot at one of the end. hairs fall out from all over the head so it is not male pattern I would say
characteristic white, bulk dot at one of the end? In the root hair?

Well, I was under heavy stress + small depression maybe two years ago. It lasted for a year and gradually stopped. But the question is: is it possible that I see side effects of that now? It would be shifted in time at least by a year!?
Stress is temporal, your stress two yeras ago is not crucial in your case.

But, only think that hair loss is a slow process and any treatment must be used during months in order achieve its results, hair don't change in days, and the same with sebum production.

A lot of luck.


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Yo mentioned "tired", "sweating hands", but your parameters are OK, I dunno.
Blood and urine parameters are ok but I haven't tested hormones yet. I think there might be the answer...

characteristic white, bulk dot at one of the end? In the root hair?

Yes, at that end which is attached to scalp ;)

But, only think that hair loss is a slow process and any treatment must be used during months in order achieve its results, hair don't change in days, and the same with sebum production.

I agree, although the bad results which manifest itself by hair shedding in my case started immediately (within one month or so after I changed lifestyle quite significantly).


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I am 25 years old male. Six months ago I started to work in the office (8h a day, 5 days per week). Almost immediately (I believe even in the same month) my hair loss drama has started - successively, every day I notice hairs on my hands, face, books I read, desk, pillow etc. It is hard to say how much of them fall out every day but I estimate it's about 50. That single hair has characterictic white, bulky dot at one of the end. hairs fall out from all over the head so it is not male pattern I would say. The hair line in not affected at all, they just got rare. (I have to add that I am allergic to certain things)
Until this moment I had a lot of hairs they were dense and I believe quite strong. Although I must admit from time to time I had seen 1-3 on my pillow for example, or fall out when I was brushing by hair back but let's be honest 1-3 is "acceptable" amount of hairs that fall out.
So I went throught series of steps that I thought might weaken my hairs (below they are in order as I applied them):

1. I decided to first wash my hairs less often. In older days I washed them every day so I when the problem started I thought - hmm maybe they are weak because they lack natural nutrition from the scalp and for the next week or even two I washed them every two days. Since it didn't stop hair loss, nor minimalise it I switched to opposite solution and washed them more often twice a day - again after two weeks no positive result.
Plus I imporved my diets - completely removed candies (which I loved in older days and ate a lot) while eat more healthy stuff like fish, vegatables, milk, etc.
I also do more exercises (I was very active in the past, stoped because of my studies but was able to get back in shape rather quickly) 8km of run once a week, swimimng pool once or twice a week, gym twice a week.
Suprisingly it didn't help! Hairs still fall out!
2. Next I went through series of shampoons for different hairs - greasy, dry, soft, etc - again didn't help.
3. I visited dermatologist - she tested my blood and urine - I don't recall exactly all tests but for sure my Thyroid, creatinine, TSH, glucose, are all OK. She really was unable to come up with any diagnosis at all and recoemneded we some stuff that can increase new hair grow;/
4. For a week I am on vacation, away from office - so far nothing has changed.

Right now I am seriously upset - in just 3 months I lost good 30% and I continue to lose even more ;/
The questions are:
1. What is the actual source of this issue? Symptoms are rather strange, started right after I started to work in the office, hairs fall out from whole head, not only from certain region.
2. Is it possible that the office air condition + sitting work is responsible for that damage?
3. What can I do to stop hair loss?
4. What is that "characterictic white, bulky dot" at the end of each hair. Does that hair regrow back?

Thanks in advance! ;)

Also, telogen stage last for 1-4 months. that means everything we do for our hairs can potentially stop or limit shedding after minimum 1 month.

I thought (from another thread) that you would have Telogen Effluvium.

If you have Telogen Effluvium, then you should only wait (no Treatments), besides this do you use something now (like Cream for Acne),
and 4 months is sometimes not enough. You should wait 1 year.

After 1 year you can begin with the treatments (like finasteride, minoxidil)


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If you have Telogen Effluvium, then you should only wait (no Treatments)...You should wait 1 year.

Waiting was never my way of solving problem and it certainly won't be in this case too. My goal right now is to find out why my hairs shed in such unprecedented numbers every day...I think I have correct diagnosis which is Telogen Effluvium - because I lose hair equally over the top of my head and because of the acceleration of changes. I lost around 30% of my original hair density in just 3 months! Although good news to me is lack of receding hair line. The only thing that is still unknown is underlying reason. Anyway, is it possible that I am mistaken in my assesment of symptoms and it actually is male pattern baldness?(after all there is some pattern - entire top of the head is the most affected area )? I have seen people with very rare hairs equally all over the top of their head and I think I can eventually get to similar state if I don't do something ASAP ;/

, besides this do you use something now (like Cream for Acne),

No, I don't. Althought there is one catch which came to my mind today. Back in the days when I was 16 or 17 I had some problems with itchy head and dandruff, the schampoo that solved this problem was Anti-Dandruff INTENSIVE SHAMPOO by Schauma. And since my sclap felt great after each wash I continued to use it for years. So, now I think maybe that wasn't good for every day use(the producent claims it is) and I might have done some harm to my scalp. But it's rather very unlikely.

Thank you guys for help/ideas/support. I really aprcieate it!


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Guys I don't recommend any natural treatement that aims to make your hair more thick if you have issue similar to mine. I did hair mask from egg and olive oil like decribed here -> After 3 days I got dandruf, a bit itchy head and lost 100+ hairs while I was removing dandruf using comb. Horrific! I think I cannot treat my hairs with any external remedy.

I look back in memory trying to find any event that could have triggered Telogen Effluvium and there is one possibility. Between April and June I had serious weakness of whole organism which manifested itself by fatigue, me being sleepy after work (4/5 PM!) and most importantly in that time period I had occasional migraines with peek on 28 May 2016 when I had two migraine in one day (every migraine in my case is preceded with aura) and maybe 5 of them in following week. It was horrible time, i felt really fatigue and dizzy... But is it possible that it triggered Telogen Effluvium?


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2017 could not have started better for me! Literally since 1.1.2017 I shed dramatically less hairs + it looks like it is better every day - 1-5 hairs during shower! Amazing it used to be 20! (on the down side among those fell hairs are very short ones too)

Now, the question is what happened/helped? My list of possibilities:

1.) As I said many time before, for last 16 days I was on vaction away from that office time, with entairely different life style. I noticed that during my vacation I am very active for the whole day morning/noon/evening no matter of the time I feel fresh and ready to for action. This is not the case after 8h of sitting in the office. In such case I feel sleepy after work, sport activities are pain - I am not able to perform them on 100%. So one possibility is my organizym was weakened before and so hairs.
2.) Maybe it really was telogen effluvium which has just stopped but I rather don't believe.
3.) For last 4 months I try to do sport activities in my spare time - maybe I see result of that now. Hairs got better and better over last 4 months and now are good enough to don't fall out..

It is really hard to say. What do you guys think of all this?
