Thinking of staring Spectral DNC again


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I started Spectral before Christmas and only kept it up for just over a month and decided I couldn't keep it up for ever and would rely on finasteride, I don't think it had any effect during that period but then needed several months. Well at now over 6 months on finasteride and no hairline left from baseline and diffuse thinning to mid scalp that I did not have 6 months ago I have to consider Spectral/minoxidil again. Its getting to the pt I have to shave it all off if this loss cannot be stopped, its just so aggressive I don't understand it to be on finasteride and lose hair this fast. My dutasteride should arrive next week so switching to that also in the hope it will work where finasteride hasn't. I recon I have 6 more months and then I think I will have lost all hair to mid scalp :( Depressing when all the effort and expense to keep hair seems to be proving no more effective than if i'd done nothing...seems like I made the loss aggressive by going on treatments. Trying to keep faith..


Senior Member
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i personally think the foams just as good and....half the price.