Thinking of quitting finasteride to get on with my life


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that's really a shame that finasteride affected u like that, i really am sorry. but surely not everyone's gonna react to it the same way. in fact, for some people, it might be a good idea to reduce their DHT levels. don't just look at one side of the situation.


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...::traxdata::... said:
I have decided. I will quit finasteride and lose my hair gracefully. If all of a sudden a few years down the line my G/F does not love me because of my hair then she go f*** off as far as I am concerned.

I will take some herbal stuff for hair and nails and stuff. But that's about it.

Good luck guys...

Finasteride is only one possibility. New topical treatments will be developed. Try Eucapil Fluridil.


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My feeling is that the more you read and think about finasteride creating a certain "brain fog," the greater the placebo effect will inevitably be.


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charlieparker said:
My feeling is that the more you read and think about finasteride creating a certain "brain fog," the greater the placebo effect will inevitably be.

Good point. Finasteride also affects the processing of alcohol in the liver, so drinkers may get foggy from all that jazz.


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I faced a similiar dilemma to you last year and quit propecia after three years of usage. Propecia had provided me with steady results on the hair front, but the at an increasing mental and physical cost with subsequent effects on my personal, social, sporting and working life. Depression, mental fog, anxiety and reductions in libido were my chief side effects. I was also concerned about the long term impacts which may have yet to manifest themselves amongst users. I wound down usage over a six month period, which is something I think you should consider, and finally quit in April 2006.

I am delighted to report all side effects gradually disappeared over a three month period and I experienced no extreme sheds. I replaced Propecia with Fluridil and topical spironolactone, and whilst overall hair density appears to be reduced, I am happy overall with the results.

Good luck with your decision, but from my experience, you are taking the right course of action.


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Interesting reference to Fluridil. I am thinking about cutting down my finasteride dose, to see if the Fluridil is the key element to my hair growth.


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my brain is foggy as hell! but i guess that's probably from smoking pot 5 times a day


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Suffering the brian Fog and tiredness, trying to put up with in the hope it will fade otherwise I have to consider reducing dose. Hailoss has not halted yet but then its still just less than 2 months but here's hoping. Reducing dose is better than giving up altogether otherwise you have no hope but to look forward to loss.

I think way more than 2% get sides as Merk suggests. Looking at forums it would suggest over 50% but possibly with minimal sides that can just about be lived with, the 2% are those with severe sides.

I did find out why my libido has shot up instead of gone down..apparently if you are older ie not 20's or early 30's then it raises Testosterone and that will increase libido...thats a side I can live with :)


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Nick4441 said:
I did find out why my libido has shot up instead of gone down..apparently if you are older ie not 20's or early 30's then it raises Testosterone and that will increase libido...thats a side I can live with :)
?????? i'm pretty sure testosterone goes up by 10% in everyone on finasteride (whether they're on their 20s or 30s) and i'm in my 20s and had increased libido for a little bit right after starting finasteride. then it shot down and now it's stabilising, but still less than what it was before.