Thinking About Starting First Steroid Cycle (i Have Looked Elsewhere..)


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It's been a year since i started treatment and i've gone from a nw2 to a nw0.5. My hair is no longer a concern to me thankfully.

I would like to start taking steroids but have been unable to find a SOLID answer to taking finasteride and gear that increases dht, does finasteride make the gear useless? Or vice versa..

Should i take dutasteride instead of finasteride?

My plan was running test e 500mg for 8 weeks
Then anavar for 4 weeks
Then pct


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If the steroids you are using contain DHT, it will make the finasteride useless. You will lose your hair far more rapidly than even just natural without finasteride. The reason why this is is finasteride works by stopping the conversion of T to DHT. When you inject steroids that contain DHT, it is already converted at that point, so finasteride does nothing to it. dutasteride works the same way, so dutasteride wont help either

As for the specific steroids which contain DHT, I don't know that information. You'll have to research it yourself. But I believe it is a wide range of them that contain it


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Get on RU and don't inject more than 500mg a week. 250 would already provide you some gains if you do your homework.


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Why the hell are you going to destroy your body and take steroids? I urge you to do research and find out what steroids do to your body before you do it.

michel sapin

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lol bro don't do steroid , you will look like a freak . Just stay natural .
Can i ask you what is your current hairloss regimen , it seems to work prety well to reverse a Norwood 2 to 2,5 .

Hangin'on Hair

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Why do you want to take roids?
The big body builder jacked look isn't really in any more.(but hey, that's your choice) I'd just lift to get lean and toned.
Better to have a lean and wiry, functional physique than a big clumsy, "hey look at me" one.
You're already messing with with your hormones taking finasteride. Why would you want to mess with them even more??
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Why do you want to take roids?
The big body builder jacked look isn't really in any more.(but hey, that's your choice) I'd just lift to get lean and toned.
Better to have a lean and wiry, functional physique than a big clumsy, "hey look at me" one.
You're already messing with with your hormones taking finasteride. Why would you want to mess with them even more??

Steroids aren't just to get "huge". Many guys use it to get a muscular but not overly large look, like this:

unfortunately if you are predisposed to male pattern baldness you have to choose between steroids and your hair though, which is why I have never used steroids


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Testosterone is safe with finasteride.

Nothing more is needed. If you cannot grow on test then try another Hobbie such as checkers and knitting.
Did you ever try? I don't care about muscle gain, I just want to experience the feeling people describe. The libido boost, the aggression, the drive...


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Two posters with good reputation on here post conflicting opinions.. This is what i've found on other sites as well

I guess i've just got to give it a go - can one cycle really cause that much damage?

Any info on a uk source for RU?


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go tren or go home


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Lol you rele wont notice any of that. Unless of course you suffered from low t prior to dosing

Atleast I haven't noticed
Two posters with good reputation on here post conflicting opinions.. This is what i've found on other sites as well

I guess i've just got to give it a go - can one cycle really cause that much damage?

Any info on a uk source for RU?

They speak out of there ***. Taking advice from people who don't even take steroids :rolleyes:

Avoid masteron, winstrol and tren and you will be fine. Dianabol can be taken in low doses such as 10-30mg. Anavar is also a dht derivative but is also safe.

I have done tren, Dianabol, eq, anavar, turanibol, and all forms of testosterone.

Any form of tesosterone is relatively save with a 5ar inhibitor. Orals are a hit or miss. Stick to low doses and use a test base as your main compound.

As for feelings. . Its some what placebo. However some people say they feel amazing. Perhaps if you have low didn't Make much of a difference that I know. Its been so long, since I have been off though. I have always been a horny guy though, even before starting.

Its mostly in there heads.