....They just don't say anything about it?????

Green Soap

Established Member
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I'm on month five of minoxidil and am going to very soon be adding finasteride.

I have been using minoxidil, MSM, Nizoral, and a good diet with vitamins, etc, religiously for five months. Consistently.

It appears that I am one of the good responders and things are looking darned good, even at this point, in fact, I'd say in a year, year and a half I will have a spectacular head of hair. I'm pretty happy.

This is coming from 12 years of slow hair loss that kind of (thankfully) leveled off a bit and left me diffused and thin...yet pretty much fully covered with a slowly exposing crown (but no real big bald spot yet).

As it stands, my hair is looking great. I keep it short now but it's getting thick and my temples are filling in, I should have a nice hairline again.

But what I wanted to say was........

as your hair gets better.....the people who made fun of you before stop saying anything.

It's as if their memory of your bad hair is erased by your slow metamorphosis and they simply accept. It's weird.

Anyway, yippee for this technology. It isn't a "pain to apply".....when it WORKS.


Yeah I have noticed that people who used to comment, with the occasional "I'd buy you shampoo if you had any hair" kinda light-hearted comments, have simply stopped!?

It has not been replaced with "hey your hairs growning back", they just stopped????


Senior Member
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It's just like this forum. People only like to hate.

Damned haters.


Experienced Member
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i think alot of people on here are very jealous and envious people who are just looking for an easy way out.

They are still in the denial stage.