The whole more facial hair = more hairloss thing


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There is a guy at my work thats like 30 and looks like he is 17. He has no facial hair and a very light mustache much like I had about 3 or 4 years ago before my hairloss got worse and coincidentally I got faster darker facial hair. Its hard to deny giving the amount of guys I have seen with very little facial hair and teenage hairlines that androgens, facial/body hair, and hairloss are related. I have seen countless examples of men and most of the time that is the case. I guess the argument of some people have the genes or sensitivity to androgens, or even something with their immune systems. I think I might take propecia just to keep my near teenage hairline, and regrow the little I lost. I think science might actually be right on this one. Now whether men with little facial hair keep teenage hairlines due to near none dht or extremely low testosterone or other androgens is the real question.


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Me = Little bodyhair thin facial hair > MASSIVE HAIRLOSS !


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You are the exception rather then the rule from everything ive seen. Really I think science might have this one partially right. Someone like you it doesnt seem androgens could be the cause unless your just extremely sensitive to androgens. I actually have very little body hair but a decent amount of facial hair. My hairloss has progressed very slowly and still isnt that bad, but the speed of it seems to coincide with me getting more hair in other places slowly over time.


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What about the people who are very hairy both body and head. I dont think theres any connection between body/facial and head hair.


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ive seen too many baby faced men with hair loss to think theres any correlation.


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Within my extended family, all the guys with chest/back hair bald early, and all the guys with no chest/back hair remain NW1-NW2 till 60, and NW3 till death.


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I have hairy legs but almost no chest hair and very little facial hair. I'm going bald. My brother is a hairy beast (even has a hairy neck) and has perfect NW1 hair.


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abcdefg said:
There is a guy at my work thats like 30 and looks like he is 17. He has no facial hair and a very light mustache much like I had about 3 or 4 years ago before my hairloss got worse and coincidentally I got faster darker facial hair. Its hard to deny giving the amount of guys I have seen with very little facial hair and teenage hairlines that androgens, facial/body hair, and hairloss are related. I have seen countless examples of men and most of the time that is the case. I guess the argument of some people have the genes or sensitivity to androgens, or even something with their immune systems. I think I might take propecia just to keep my near teenage hairline, and regrow the little I lost. I think science might actually be right on this one. Now whether men with little facial hair keep teenage hairlines due to near none dht or extremely low testosterone or other androgens is the real question.
i think that you are right about the facial hair issue as even though i am 28 i only had to shave 1 evry 3 day s now in the last 18 months it is like 3 times a day and my hair loss has gone beserk


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I dont think how hairy A person is as anything much to do with it...

me personally, i can count the hairs on my chest there are that few, not one on my back or ***... i cant really grow a beard, if i tried it would be akll shaggy and miss match in places, no real density... and im 31, its not like im 17 and got my first bit of fluff on my face... i had a full head of hair when i was 27, now im 31 and not much left on top at all...

its how sensative you are to DHT that is the factor in most cases of hair loss in men... granted if you are a very hairy person, it means you have a lot more dht in your body, so if your sensetive to dht, your male pattern baldness will be more agreassive... but like myself, i have very little DHT to start with and something kicked in when i was 27 that made me sensetive to the dht i had thus started to lose hair...

im on minoxidil and nizoral, would try finasteride but the side effects sound too scary....


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Ya maybe. All I know is everything says dht is related to developing sexual male characteristics like increased body hair, deeper voice and all that crap. So more body hair should mean in most men not all, that the hairloss would be much faster and worse. It is sensitivity, but the amount of dht should have some relationship to amount of body hair since body supposedly is from androgens.


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I've noticed that white guys with curly hair always seem to loser their hair.. Even one day, facial hair thins out. I remmember pics of Yassir Arafat and by his later years, that terrorist scum, even his mustache and eyebrows were thin.

middle eastern plague.


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I remember one study showing that a majority of men with male pattern baldness had below normal T levels???

Myself, below normal T and free T levels, little body hair


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I used to have awesome thick facial hair, until one day about 5 years ago I woke up and noticed a small completely smooth area on my stubble about the size of a 5c piece. From there it grew and after about a 2-3 months I pretty much suffered total facial hairloss. (Obviously it was alopecia areata). Coincidently this is about the time i started to suffer from male pattern baldness. My facial hair took 5 years to grow back and much of it never did :sobbing:

Some areas are smooth while other areas has blonde vellus type hair. You may think it might be easy to just shave it off, but its not as simple as that, alopecia areata seems to effect the pigmentation of the skin in the area it attacks. I had patchy discolouration all over my face. It was a terrible time for me :sobbing:

This is not me but this is similar to what my facial hair looks like in places. You just cant shave it down because of pigmentation and there is always a shadow....Im just glad its been contained to my face for all these years.




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I can't grow a beard or stubble for the life of me, but I'm going bald.

I really doubt there's a corellation to be honest.