The Struggle And Anger Grows With Every Passing Day

Schitz Popinov

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I've actually tried to avoid the "Impact" forum for quite some time, but I'm at the point where the struggle and the angers grows with every passing day and I need to vent somewhere.

My self-confidence arrived the day I started styling my hair with a faux hawk. Not even my progress in the gym could compare and it was a major departure for me, especially as a late bloomer. I fed off the attention I got for it (especially from the ladies) and it became an ice-breaker in a lot of ways. A couple years afterward, I ended up in a relationship that lasted almost 5 years - which ended when I was 30 .... but the damage had already begun taking shape on my scalp.

Looking back the signs of Androgenetic Alopecia were obvious. As the condition kept deteriorating, the more my reliance on hair products (clay, hairspray) and chemical straighteners grew. My hair simply would not hold or style well without them. These days my hair has receded greatly with diffused thinning all over the top. I'm absolutely mortified to go anywhere without styling it. I gave up chemical straighteners about 3 years ago or so and still have an over-reliance on hair spray - almost everything else is too heavy. The result is a poor imitation of those popular side-part haircuts with a pompadour. Every morning is a struggle with my anxiety-ridden 45-60 minute hair styling marathon.

The crushing blow to my confidence came about 6 months ago when I started adding Toppik hair concealer. Every time I put it on I feel like a complete fabrication, a phony. I worry if people notice. I worry about bad lighting. I worry ...... all the time. If I could I would just shave it off, unfortunately for me I don't have the head shape or facial features for it.

This has consumed me in ways like nothing ever has and I was already a little bit OCD to begin with. I've literally planned my days around what may or may not impact my hair. To emphasize how bad my mind state has gotten - I've been shopping around for a Halloween costume this week ..... afraid to try certain things on because it'll screw up my hair.

I hate living like this. I worked so hard to break out of my shell in my mid 20's. I'm now in my late 30's and life/genetics are bullying me back into it.
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I hate living like this. I worked so hair to break out of my shell in my mid 20's. I'm now in my late 30's and life/genetics are bullying me back into it.

I can really relate to this - I too tried to break out of my shell but I got a reality check from society (I look terrible bald too). I'm sorry, it really sucks.

What Norwood are you now?


Have you ever tried shaving it to see what it looks like?

I shaved my head and it looked okay on me. I still prefer having hair but it made me fear hair loss a lot less.

Schitz Popinov

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Have you ever tried shaving it to see what it looks like?

I shaved my head and it looked okay on me. I still prefer having hair but it made me fear hair loss a lot less.

I did back as a senior in high school and got harrassed about it.

I don't have the chiseled look for it. I have very round facial features, with a slightly larger nose and ears - not to mention my puffy cheeks.
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Schitz Popinov

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More optimism plz.

You are over 30 and your status is Norwood 3 + diffuse hair loss.Could be worse

Welcome to my world!

Do you use finsteride or something else?

No finasteride. Only major thing I've taken was minoxidil, which was over a year ago. My face was getting even puffier and the sheds were awful so I stopped. I've spent an unhealthy amount of time researching alternatives as I'm scared to death of the cascade of problems that can occur messing with hormones - which is essentially what a dutasteride or finasteride would do.

All the research gets overwhelming though. There's been times when said screw it - let's try something already, but I tend to sink right back into my self-pity. Over on a different site, I saw a guy who had amazing results from using a mixture of herbs (Rosemary, Coriander, Nettle, Nettle) as a nightly paste. My goal was to give it a shot, along with dermarolling.

It's hard for me to stay positive. I've lived a life where as soon as I plug up one hole in the dam, another one spouts up.


I feel for you man, but at least you had most of your 30's, all of your 20's + teens with a fullhead of hair. That's a luxury that wasn't afforded to many around here. Realistically, you only have 5 or 6 years or so of real 'youth' left anyway: strap on a wig and be done with it.

P.S. Good choice stopping the minoxidil: it's a dangerous drug.

Schitz Popinov

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I feel for you man, but at least you had most of your 30's, all of your 20's + teens with a fullhead of hair. That's a luxury that wasn't afforded to many around here. Realistically, you only have 5 or 6 years or so of real 'youth' left anyway: strap on a wig and be done with it.

P.S. Good choice stopping the minoxidil: it's a dangerous drug.

I've watched too many videos on people's lives who were ruined by those big pharma hair drugs. It's basically roulette and I can't gamble like that. Bless the people who took a shot and didn't get the sides.
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I did back as a senior in high school and got harrassed about it.

I don't have the chiseled look for it. I have very round facial features, with a slightly larger nose and ears - not to mention my puffy cheeks.
My jaw isn't that strong either but I kept my body fat low and grew a kick *** beard and now everything is ok

Schitz Popinov

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My jaw isn't that strong either but I kept my body fat low and grew a kick *** beard and now everything is ok

I had a beard from Aug 2015 til March 2016 .....very full and black. Helps distract attention away from what's happened to my hair. I may have to go back to it, but this time around do a better job of getting it shaped by a pro.
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buzzcut nw3.5 from teens for 6 years

still alive


I had a beard from Aug 2015 til March 2016 .....very full and black. Helps distract attention away from my what's happened to my hair. I may have to go back to it, but this time around do a better job of getting it shaped by a pro.
Go online and get a beard trimmer yourself. You'll save money in the long run,

Beards are awesome and they set us apart from the women


I've watched too many videos on people's lives who were ruined by those big pharma hair drugs. It's basically roulette and I can't gamble like that. Bless the people who took a shot and didn't get the sides.
I agree 100%. Minoxidil (likely reacting with some other drugs) disfigured me, damaged the skin all over my body, shrunk my dick and made my face almost unrecognisable. The prevalence of these side effects is apparently very rare, but I swear on my own grave they exist. Have a look at some of the literature online (medical journals etc.) if you don't believe me; there are certified peer-reviewed cases of minoxidil causing such things, as well as a stack of in-vitro tests implicating it in the permanent damaging of skin structure. It's terrifying stuff. Honestly, in 15/20 years this drug will have been discontinued due to safety issues, I am downright sure of it.

Schitz Popinov

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Go online and get a beard trimmer yourself. You'll save money in the long run,

Beards are awesome and they set us apart from the women

This was mine ...



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The famous bald-beard backwards flip image.

Honestly, If I went bald over night, and didn't wear a hair piece I would just abuse the sh*t out of steroids, grow a beard and become a bald DHT freak. Surging amounts of androgens flowing through my veins to the point where single moms are hunting me down to empty my T bags inside of them.

Schitz Popinov

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The famous bald-beard backwards flip image.

Honestly, If I went bald over night, and didn't wear a hair piece I would just abuse the sh*t out of steroids, grow a beard and become a bald DHT freak. Surging amounts of androgens flowing through my veins to the point where single moms are hunting me down to empty my T bags inside of them.

I wouldn't grow a full beard if I were completely bald. I would just have it while there is some hair up there.

Nothing pisses me off more then being able to grow it on my face better than the top of my head.