The Side Effect Free Big 3 Sortiment


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We all know that the classical Big-3, including finasteride, minoxidil and Ket.

For me finasteride & minoxidil is too risky, in particular, because my hair loss is not agressiv but I am getting annoyed with the growing temples (NW2 - NW2.5). So I would like to come up with a sortiment for a side-effect free Big-3 and the suggested program looks as follows:

1. Needling
- Dermapen, every 7 days with 1.5 mm
- Apply iodine after wounding

2. Ket
- Shampoo 2% twice a week
- Applying the lotion in the temples every couple of days

3a. Winlevi / CB
- Where to get CB and how to mix it / how long to wait for Winlevi?
3b. Trinvov
- Snake oil?
3c. Sandalore
- Snake oil? How to mix it?
3d. Prostaglandin E2
- Side effects? Where to get it and how to mix it?

So you see quite a few options for the third big-3 of the side-effect free hair loss treatments. My favourite would be CB but apparently still some years to go until it is officially available in the pharmacy.

Any recommendations with what to start or if I forget some other potent approaches?