The science behind 0.5 mg every other day?


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When people have sides or are worried about sides everyone suggest "Hey why don't you try 0.5 mg EOD?"

Do we have conclusive evidence on the effectiveness and side effect profile of this dosing?

There is the classic less should lead to less results, but also less side effects debate, but anyone fairly educated knows that drugs do not work that way. Its been proven that .2 mg leads to near full effectiveness at ~70% inhibition. Does every other day dosing still reach steady state dht suppression or will it drop it one day for it to increase the next? Does a lower dose .2mg to .5mg clear your system faster so 5AR is fully active again in the evening?

Just wondering because I always here the suggestion, but nothing on the evidence for it. Also what are some user's experiences/results with this dosing?