the risks of transplants...


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Thanks for that souldoctor it is quite unsettling to read - I guess it's the worst nightmare come true - who'd want to proceed with the thought they would be worse off. I don't think I've ever felt so vulnerable since the day I first considered surgery some 6 weeks ago. I guess its always the problem that a surgeon is hardly going to advertise those cases where the treatment was unsuccessful. Meanwhile those patients who have achieved success who could give reassurance wish to be naturally discrete.


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To be fair it seems like many of the stories including the creator of the web page had hair transplants in the 90s or early 2000s. Hasn't the hair transplant field improved dramatically in only the last few years? But it seems choosing the right doctor is paramount in getting a good transplant no doubt.


Guys i have had 2 procedures now with excellent results.It is very important that you do your research before choosing a surgeon otherwise things like that may happen.Simple checks like meeting past patients in person is always transplant's have improved dramatically over the past 10 years,as this gentlemen looks like he had his done over 10 years ago.Dont let this put you off.Check out my website for my results and see what a good surgeon can produce.



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Procede with caution, deception and disfigurement still abound in this field. Good results are few and far between.H/T has always atracted the bottom of the barrel doctors. BE CAREFUL those are not only stories from the *old days*.


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SoulDoctor, from the looks of those first 2 pictures, it seems that its made up. In the first pic, it looks like he already had a transplant and the second pic looks like the before shot. What I'm saying is, I think he reveresed the pictures to make it look like something went wrong.


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Re: hmmm

ShockWave said:
SoulDoctor, from the looks of those first 2 pictures, it seems that its made up. In the first pic, it looks like he already had a transplant and the second pic looks like the before shot. What I'm saying is, I think he reveresed the pictures to make it look like something went wrong.

Yep! I spotted the patterning in the bottom left photo also and thought the same thing.


If you read the main text he does say that he had an initial transplant and then went for the second one, which is the one that 'backfired'


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Its called shockloss. Its very common and real.I was a n/w 2 before and a freaky looking 5 after my hairtransplant. I often wonder if the quack that butchered me is using my photos in reverse to sell transplants,because it does look like the befores are the afters.


I recieved minimal shocloss from both of my 2 procedures.I guess you just have to be lucky.
