The Psychological Side-effects Of Hairloss


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Let's be honest. Scalp hair = ultimate sign of youth. It's an integral part for aging gracefully. I've seen men in their thierties that looked so terrible thanks to their hair genes, I wouldn't even want to look like that as an old man if I had the choice. Yet people in their late teens and early twenties have to deal with this sh*t. What a friggin' scam.

I first noticed my hairline receding at 21, and since then I went through three stages:

- Denial ("It can't be... I'm way too young. Maybe it's just a health issue. Let's get my thyroids checked.")

- Despair ("Holy f**k. No way, I have a babyface, balding would destroy me." ... "How am I supposed to get girls when there are guys my age and even older men that don't have to deal with this crap?")

- Depression (Still somewhat stuck at this stage tbh)

I'm truning 26 and despite my hairline not getting much worse since then (NW2) there are still a lot of mental problems that come with it. First off, I have pale white skin. It takes me an entire summer plus some vists to the solarium in order to get a pathetic tan. Couple that with dark hair and every bit of recession will be twice as noticable.
Next thing is I've been getting more and more hairy since my hairloss kicked in. I have disgusting back and shoulder hair that I have to deal with every friggin day, which alone is enough of an obstacle for me. I currently shave and pluck my excess body hair but will probably turn to laser hair removal sooner or later. Would've done that already if it didn't cost an arm and a leg.
And finally, I look way younger than I am. People usually think I'm 18 or 19. It's probably my high cheekbones. I have been compared to a young Johnny Depp a couple times (except I don't have his sexy hollow cheeks).

So yeah, I think you can now see why the thought of my hair getting thinner absolutely devestates me. I've had a buzz cut for a couple of years, but I felt very uncomfortable with it. While I do have the right headshape for it, I think it just looks off... Teenage girls want hair... Women past the age of 25 want manly men. So I pretty much felt like I was stuck in limbo. I'm currently rocking an undercut and I feel much happier. But it's just a matter of time until I'm bald. Both of my granddads and my father are bald. The irony is that my mother has great hair. She's in her 50s and still has zero grey hair, other girls were always jelous of her thick ginger/brunette hair when she was young.

Hairloss has changed my perception of life a lot. Whenever I enter a room the first thing I do is examine the other guys hairlines. It's almost become an obsession of mine. Next thing, I have almost zero interest in "material" things anymore. Cars, expensive stuff? Who cares, all that comes down to is my body and female validation for me.

In my opinion, hairloss is probably the worst non-pathologic sh*t that can happen to a young man. The things that come with it like anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-esteem issues, quality of life, etc. will change you like almost nothing else.


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Next thing is I've been getting more and more hairy since my hairloss kicked in. I have disgusting back and shoulder hair that I have to deal with every friggin day, which alone is enough of an obstacle for me. I currently shave and pluck my excess body hair but will probably turn to laser hair removal sooner or later. Would've done that already if it didn't cost an arm and a leg.

I can imaging that sucks. Is hair removal expensive? From what I have seen those treatments are very good, especially on thick dark hair.

And finally, I look way younger than I am. People usually think I'm 18 or 19. It's probably my high cheekbones. I have been compared to a young Johnny Depp a couple times (except I don't have his sexy hollow cheeks).

This used to be true for me aswell. Untill the moment you cannot hide your bald head anymore. Social convention does not allow you to wear a baseball cap after a certain age. etc blah blah.

I'm currently rocking an undercut and I feel much happier. But it's just a matter of time until I'm bald. Both of my granddads and my father are bald.

This made me very sad for years (still does actually). I cannot count the hours of sleep I lost simply worrying about my hairloss. Stupid, I know, but the future outlook of baldness just would not go away. Somehow I let it influence my development as a person.

Hairloss has changed my perception of life a lot. Whenever I enter a room the first thing I do is examine the other guys hairlines. It's almost become an obsession of mine. Next thing, I have almost zero interest in "material" things anymore. Cars, expensive stuff? Who cares, all that comes down to is my body and female validation for me.

For me it was the other way around. Being stuff made mee feel better. I notice that this is's all about the chicks.

In my opinion, hairloss is probably the worst non-pathologic sh*t that can happen to a young man. The things that come with it like anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-esteem issues, quality of life, etc. will change you like almost nothing else.

Severe acne is worse I guess.

But I would agree, going bald young has a profound impact on the way you perceive yourself. It did a great job on me. In general I can live with it a relatively normal live. But it has this nag of off ruining my day. Those "bald" comment just get to me, even if they are not ill intended.

Lately I started to buzz down my hair without a guard. Every single time my mom (for f*** sake) has to comment with "no, not again". First time I did it (just once because of pure desperation), 15 years ago and still living at home, she even started to cry. She still believes I do it because I'm "curious" as to how it looks. The f*****g disturbing part is that I remember those moments like it was yesterday and it still gets to me. The look in her eye, as a young kid, was devastating.

When I was younger I had really light hair, except for a 3 inch spot on the side/back of my head. In school some kids would call it a sh*t stain. The strange thing is, I could not care less about it. It is so f*ing annoying that bald comment ruin the day. I have difficult time understanding why I can get so obsessed about some things and not care about other at all.