The No (or little) side effects thread!!


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It seems there are so many threads that mention problems upon using various hair loss treatments, I thought I'd start a positive thread.

I know it's easier said then done, as I've only been on the finpecia for a week and minoxidil for a week. I've got a few headaches, which may or may not be related to the medication.

I need some good vibes as I head into the 'worst' of it: Brain fogs! Sheds! headaches! Oh my!

Have any of you had little side effects and an overall positive experience?


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No side effects.

I am more fit than when I started 1 and a half ago, and I have more hair. My little shaolin warrior is still working as before and I have achieved very slow growth of body hair, except in the hands, where I have strange dark hair. I think is because of minoxidil.

Sadly, I think I´m getting dumber. Not brain in the fog, but dumber.


Senior Member
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No side effects on Dutasteride!

Good regrowth.

Watch out for my 11 and 12-Month photos.

Hans Gruber

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big three

one year

increased libido

reversal of miniaturisation

temples creeping back down

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Coke from Columbia, increase reaction time, more energy, ability to communicate with sl*ts on their level..

I told this kid with glasses that his eyesight issues are just a placebo effect..


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7-8 months on finasteride and minoxidil, and no sides here !

As a matter of fact, I'm as horny as I've ever been, my girlfriend will attest to that, lol.



Experienced Member
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ive been on minoxidil and dutas for a month
minor sides in the beginninig none now


Established Member
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1.25 mg daily finasteride , no sides.

minoxidil, had slight dizzynes when first started but have not noticed that effect in years.