The More Women Want Sex The Higher Their Standards, Gender Study Reveals

uncomfortable man

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"Lets face it, your hair will never make you interesting...

No but hair will go a long way toward making you look normal and is a prerequisite for many women. Hair is also a facet for self expression.

a girl can't have a conversation with your hairline"

Yes, but plenty of people seem to have conversations with my lack of hairline, i.e. looking at my bald spot while they talk to me instead of making eye contact.


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No but hair will go a long way toward making you look normal and is a prerequisite for many women. Hair is also a facet for self expression.

Yes, but plenty of people seem to have conversations with my lack of hairline, i.e. looking at my bald spot while they talk to me instead of making eye contact.

You are just paranoid simple as and im not just saying this from just this comment either.


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And your just being helpful


Sorry truth hurts im not the only one to say this here i do try to be helpful but that dont mean im going to hold back saying things off just in case i "look bad" like i said truth hurts...but ok i be one off those types who go with everything you say a yes man basically.

uncomfortable man

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So whenever anyone to the mick out of you for being too tall or having too long hair :)jackit:BTW) that was all imagined. A hallucination from your head which is a psychological disorder. Seek professional help. I say this because I care.

uncomfortable man

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Apparently I don't need to because life is great. The stigma against bald guys is just a myth. Everyone loves bald guys. Life is great, just grand.


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So whenever anyone to the mick out of you for being too tall or having too long hair :)jackit:BTW) that was all imagined. A hallucination from your head which is a psychological disorder. Seek professional help. I say this because I care.

Lmao i didnt say that you NEVER been picked on etc etc did i? im on about your comments on how you always think people are staring at you etc etc theres a reason why i said this "not just saying this from just this comment either" learn to read...and naaw you calling me a wanker cause i said i was being bullied for being tall etc what? dont you believe me?...just because what they bullied me for wasnt a bad thing (being tall etc) it dont mean it never took its toll on me...all the time i was bullied for no reason get your head out your arse...i bet you think the girls who commit suicide cause off girls bullying them because they are jealous off their good looks are pathetc huh?

uncomfortable man

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Sorry truth hurts im not the only one to say this here i do try to be helpful but that dont mean im going to hold back saying things off just in case i "look bad" like i said truth hurts...but ok i be one off those types who go with everything you say a yes man basically.

Whoa, give me a sec... I'm still reeling from that truth bomb you just laid on me.

Alright, I think I'm ok now. Anyway, the thing about the truth (logically speaking) is that it cannot be subjective by nature. There is true and false with nothing in between. So what hurtful truth are you referring to? If you think it is true that I am paranoid then you would be only half right. I'm sure there have been times where because I was in my own funk, misinterpret others reactions that were otherwise innocent. And there have been times where I've been blatantly insulted to my face. Was I being paranoid and misreading the situation when some shmuck yells bald taunts at me? No, because there was no room for interpretation. So in those instances my paranoia would be justified. There are no absolutes and I have never claimed there to be. There is only your truth and my truth, which happen to be very polar.

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i bet you think the girls who commit suicide cause off girls bullying them because they are jealous off their good looks are pathetc huh?

Bullying is bullying, or is it? Hey would you rather be bullied for being beautiful (unlikely) or be bullied for being ugly and awkward (more likely)?


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Whoa, give me a sec... I'm still reeling from that truth bomb you just laid on me.

Alright, I think I'm ok now. Anyway, the thing about the truth (logically speaking) is that it cannot be subjective by nature. There is true and false with nothing in between. So what hurtful truth are you referring to? If you think it is true that I am paranoid then you would be only half right. I'm sure there have been times where because I was in my own funk, misinterpret others reactions that were otherwise innocent. And there have been times where I've been blatantly insulted to my face. Was I being paranoid and misreading the situation when some shmuck yells bald taunts at me? No, because there was no room for interpretation. So in those instances my paranoia would be justified. There are no absolutes and I have never claimed there to be. There is only your truth and my truth, which happen to be very polar.

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Bullying is bullying, or is it? Hey would you rather be bullied for being beautiful (unlikely) or be bullied for being ugly and awkward (more likely)?

Exactly bullying is bullying thank you you finally said it what i been trying to say all this time but people like you just call me a wanker all because the problem i have been bullied about is nothing bad you just dont get wasnt the fact i was being bullied cause i was tall or had long hair etc etc it was the fact it was god knows how many people ganging up on me and bullying me for what ever reason.

"There is true and false with nothing in between. So what hurtful truth are you referring to? If you think it is true that I am paranoid then you would be only half right I'm sure there have been times where because I was in my own funk, misinterpret others reactions that were otherwise innocent. And there have been times where I've been blatantly insulted to my face. Was I being paranoid and misreading the situation when some shmuck yells bald taunts at me?" look im not saying you NEVER been picked on or you are lying everytime someone said something to you that would be stupid... but what im trying to say is and i make this VERY clear you seem paranoid at times there has been times you posted here on the lines off that you think people were staring at you because off your baldness...there is NO proof they was... they didnt come up to you and point and laugh NO you just thought it im not the only one who said you are paranoid just being honest if im wrong then my bad.


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I never read DannyBoyy's posts, not because he's stupid but because they are so confused and poorly written. Sorry but one shouldn't say things like "people made fun of my high stature", that's just inappropriate here.

When i first said i was bullied for being tall etc in the convo i had a while back i was trying to make a point that haters will always hate no matter how you look im not trying to compare it is OBVIOUS being tall is good but bullying is still bullying hate is still hate tall, short, long hair, no hair etc etc etc.


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I commented on this post a few days ago just to come back and see more nonsense and rambling. Let me make it real simple.. 90% of guys come off creepy because they joined the game late, dress like super senior high schoolers, act like eternal frat boys, sound like Anna Faris when they talk, and are impressing no one, hair or not. The other 10%, hair or not, impress everyone and never have to try. The only time hairloss will ever be a true factor in your life is when the rest of your life is so boring that hair was the only thing you had left going for you and in that case, your hair may help you out in a few short term adventures, but it isn't going to end well. In the adult professional world, the only people who have any advantage over successful well put together bald guys, are ever more successful and well put together guys with hair, but they are still way ahead of 75% of the population, so it really doesn't make a huge difference.

Quantum Cat

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I commented on this post a few days ago just to come back and see more nonsense and rambling. Let me make it real simple.. 90% of guys come off creepy because they joined the game late, dress like super senior high schoolers, act like eternal frat boys, sound like Anna Faris when they talk, and are impressing no one, hair or not. The other 10%, hair or not, impress everyone and never have to try. The only time hairloss will ever be a true factor in your life is when the rest of your life is so boring that hair was the only thing you had left going for you and in that case, your hair may help you out in a few short term adventures, but it isn't going to end well. In the adult professional world, the only people who have any advantage over successful well put together bald guys, are ever more successful and well put together guys with hair, but they are still way ahead of 75% of the population, so it really doesn't make a huge difference.

very true